BVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008] : [9] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Influence of different holding solutions on post-harvest behaviour of cut-flowers of ChrysanthemumGupta, V N; Banerji, B KBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]68-73
Influence of auxins in regeneration of roots in the stem cuttings of multi-bracted Bougainvillea under intermittent mistGupta, V N; Banerji, B K; Datta, S KBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]58-63
A study on economic analysis of Asiatic hybrid lily cultivation in Himachal PradeshSingh, M K; Singh, Sukhjinder; Ram, RajaBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]47-53
Identification and conservation priorities of threatened plants of Vindhyan regionDubey, P C; Sikarwar, R L S; Khanna, K K; Saxena, R N; Tiwari, Arjun PBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]16-3
Impact of industrial & traffic induced air pollution on human healthMudgal, Manish; Khan, Mohd Akram; Mishra, Deepti; Padmakaran, PrabhaBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]74-79
Diabetes nephropathy due to pylonephrytis infectionSharma, Sunita; Sexana, Roopali; Mehrotra, SomeshBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]64-67
Effect of Ricinus communis & Nerium indicum oils against mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt) (Homoptera : Aphididae)Sharma, Sunita; Rani, ManjuBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]54-57
Hippeastrum : An excellent bulbous plant at National Botanical ResearchDatta, S K; Gupta, V N; Banerjee, B KBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]36-46
Viral diseases of Banana, their diagnosis and possible managementVishnoi, R; Khan, M S; Raj, S KBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]9-15
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9