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Effect of Ricinus communis & Nerium indicum oils against mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt) (Homoptera : Aphididae)Sharma, Sunita; Rani, ManjuBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]54-57
A study on economic analysis of Asiatic hybrid lily cultivation in Himachal PradeshSingh, M K; Singh, Sukhjinder; Ram, RajaBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]47-53
Influence of different holding solutions on post-harvest behaviour of cut-flowers of ChrysanthemumGupta, V N; Banerji, B KBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]68-73
Assay of some diuretics with pyridinium fluorochromate reagentShukla, I C; Singh, B K; Kumar, VinodBVAAP Vol.16(2) [December 2008]104-108
Study of the effect of relative humidity on the swallowing of food material in the intestine of Silk Worm (Bombyx mori)Mishra, A BBVAAP Vol.16(2) [December 2008]116-119
Recovery of metals and plastics from electronic wasteKumar, Neeraj; Shukla, Pankaj; Sharma, Vinod PraveenBVAAP Vol.16(2) [December 2008]94-98
Influence of auxins in regeneration of roots in the stem cuttings of multi-bracted Bougainvillea under intermittent mistGupta, V N; Banerji, B K; Datta, S KBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]58-63
Recurring study of anaemic patients as per their blood group in tuberculosis affected population in Bareilly district of Uttar PradeshSharma, Sunita; Rohtagi, Pooja; Bansal, SanjayBVAAP Vol.16(2) [December 2008]99-103
Propellants for space launch vehiclesShanker, KaliBVAAP Vol.16(2) [December 2008]109-115
Viral diseases of Banana, their diagnosis and possible managementVishnoi, R; Khan, M S; Raj, S KBVAAP Vol.16(1) [June 2008]9-15