Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 5 of 5
Title | Author(s) | Source | Page(s) |
Growth and scatter of alcohol fuel literature | Kundra, R; Garg, K C | ALIS Vol.34(1) [March 1987] | 36-40 |
Identification of core journals in science & technology: A study based on INSDOC's document delivery demand Part I – Physics | Karanjai, Aruna; Mujoo-Munshi, Usha | ALIS Vol.34(1) [March 1987] | 23-35 |
Personal collection – Its organisation and maintenance | Dutta, Neeta | ALIS Vol.34(1) [March 1987] | 16-22 |
Technological gatekeepers | Arora, Renu | ALIS Vol.34(1) [March 1987] | 12-15 |
Role of commercial data bases in information retrieval systems - A case study with CA search data base using CAN/SDI package | Kasiviswanadham, S | ALIS Vol.34(1) [March 1987] | 1-11 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 5 of 5
Date issued
- 5 1987