BVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013] : [14] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
Soil carbon sequestration under Casuarina plantation in Coastal sand dunes of Sagar Island of West BengalKumar, Manish; Panda, C R; Panigrahi, Avinash; Ahemad, Md Jamir; Mohapatra, SanghamitraBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]166-169
Suitability of the H2S test for detection of fecal contamination in drinking water in rural areas Tambekar, Dilip HBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]155-160
Evaluation of wheat accessions for morpho-physiological traits under normal and late planting conditionsSingh, T P; Phogat, B S; Singh, Mohar; Kumar, Sandeep; Singh, Jasvir; Dutta, MBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]150-154
Impacts of bituminous fumes on the workers of road construction industryChauhan, Sippy Kalra; Yadav, Vijay Bahadur; Shukla, Anuradha; Prakash, OmBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]161-165
Importance of biodiversity study in road/highway projectsSinha, Sanjiv Kumar; Sharma, Niraj; Dhyani, Rajni; Singh, AnilBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]135-149
Role of conservation agriculture in enhancing productivity and resource use efficiency in changing scenarioKumar, VirendraBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]128-134
Driver evaluation: Mandatory tool for road safetyChakrabarty, Neelima; Gupta, Kamini; Parida, Purnima; Mittal, NishiBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]122-127
Herbal based traditional practices used by the Bhotias and Gangwal a tribals of the central Himalayan region of UttarakhandMetha, Pooran Singh; Negi, Kuldeep Singh; Ojha, Saraswati Nandan; Rayal, Anupam; Verma, Suresh KumarBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]113-121
Finding suitable exploratory measures to reduce fuel and emission due to idling of engine at intersectionKumar, Ravindra; Parida, Purnima; Chaudhary, SanjayBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]103-112
Measurement of infiltration rates in soilsSingh, Omkar; Sharma, Mukesh Kumar; Choubey, V K; Singh, Raj DevBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]188-191
Need and provision of optimum streamgauging network for a river basinMathew, F T; Jagtap, Rahul S; Jain, KajalBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]183-187
Review of application of Soil and Water Assesment Tool (SWAT) in researchChhabra, Ajeet Singh; Lohani, Anil Kumar; Shukla, SandeepBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]178-182
Role of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) in water conservationNarwaria, Yashpal SinghBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]174-177
Comparative screening of antibacterial and antifungal activities of some weeds and medicinal plants, leaf extrats : An in-vitro study Kapil, Shubhada; Sanguri, Sweta; Gopinathan, Purnima; Pandey, F K; Bhatnagar, TriptiBVAAP Vol.21(2) [December 2013]170-173
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14