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Title: Science Writing in Hindi - Problems and Possibilities
Authors: Kumar, Sanjay
Issue Date: Jun-2003
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Present is the era of science. Science has not le ft any sphere of our daily life untouched. Development of common man by Scientific developments is the basic need of the hour. In the past years India has earned remarkable success through science every field of life. On the basis of scientific achievements in India, where at one hand economic structure has been developed using agriculture, industry and natural resources, success has been achieved in eradication of social and personal problems on the other. However, we still have to go a long way because the medium of science education, communication, search and development is still English only. A very large segment of the population of the country is illiterate and science is less important for such common people. In a large country like India, dissemination of scientific information, policies and knowledge should be in the language of masses to make the life of common man comfortable. It can give miraculous results, if the knowledge of scientific achievements is given in Hindi. As Dr Kripa Shankar Tiwari said, "The darkness of superstitions can only be eradicated by the development of scientific understanding, it is an accepted truth." So, is the need of the hour that people know about the scientific achievements. If the common man remains unaware of these achievements, such researches would become futile exercises. Rajbhasha is the only medium by which scientific achievements can be taken to the common man successfully.  
Page(s): 102-107
ISSN: 0975-2412 (Online); 0771-7706 (Print)
Appears in Collections:BVAAP Vol.11(1) [June 2003]

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