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Title: Problem of Air Pollution in the Environment due to Improper Industrialization and Health Hazard in Kanpur Metropolitan
Authors: Adarsh, Supriya
Awasthi, Sangeeta
lekha, Chandra
Issue Date: Dec-2004
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Environmental pollution is going to be a serious problem that would have to be faced by our country in 21st century. Pollution is the unwanted change of physical and chemical properties of air, water and soil, which some or the other harms humanbeings and other animals, plants, industrial institutions etc. Fast industrialization and technological progress has improved our materialization life but it has also created unwanted variations in physical, chemical and biological characteristics of air, water and soil. Our atmosphere has various useful gases, e.g. oxygen (21%), nitrogen (78%), carbon dioxide (0.03%), hydrogen (0.5%), carbon-mono-oxide (0.1 ppm), ozone (0.02 ppm) etc. Gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide remain balanced in atmosphere due to living beings.In the respiration process CO2 is left in atmosphere and oxygen is inhaled by the living beings. Due to deforestation, the quantity of oxygen in the atmosphere is decreasing. Due to various harmful gases mainly SO2 and smoke being emitted by the mills, air health is being affected adversely. SO2 in high concentration harms our lungs. The smoke is the main factor of air pollution which is emitted from jet aircraft, motors, scooters, buses, tractors and other machines in which energy is produced by burning of coal and other organic substances. Due to polluted air various diseases like, eczema, pimples and anthrex etc. Come into their existence. The main cause of hole in the Ozone layer of our atmosphere is air pollution.
• Lead particles are responsible for nervous system diseases; • Cadmium is poison for respiration ; • NO, is responsible for diseases of ungs, hearts and eyes ; • The substances in the atmosphere outside our house are found in concentration harmful to man and its environment, (World Health Organization)
    The compounds of chlorine and flourine, especially CFC3 (chloro-fluoro-carbon) which are used as refrigerants, creates air pollution.
Page(s): 269-271
ISSN: 0975-2412 (Online); 0771-7706 (Print)
Appears in Collections:BVAAP Vol.12(2) [December 2004]

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