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Title: Studies on the Effect of Auxin on Rooting of Cuttings of Ornamental Plants under Mist Chamber
Authors: Gupta, Y N
Datta, S K
Issue Date: Dec-2005
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Semi-hardwood cuttings of Nerium indicum, Nyctanthes arbortristis, Taberaenamontana  coronaria,  Juniperus prostrata, Hibiscus rosasinesis and Ixora coccinea were prepapred from vigorously growing shoots. Twenty cutting were treated with IBA at 0,1000, 2000 and 4000 ppm dissolved in 50% alcohol for 10 seconds. These were planted in pots containing sterlized coarse sand and placed under mist chamber for rooting. Significant improvement in percentage of  rooting was observed in all the species except Hibiscus rosa-sinensis with IBA 2000 ppm over untreated (control) cuttings. This concentration was also helped in increasing number of roots, root length and survival of rooted cuttings but the thickness of roots was not affected by the IBA concentrations. Therefore , these species can be multiplied commercially with the help of root promoting auxin (IBA) at 2000 ppm.
Page(s): 192-195
ISSN: 0975-2412 (Online); 0771-7706 (Print)
Appears in Collections:BVAAP Vol.13(2) [December 2005]

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