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Viruses of Alstroemeria : Investigation, Control and Production of Virus free PlantsMehra, Arpana; Chandel, Vanita; Singh, Manoj Kumar; Verma, Neeraj; Singh, M K; Zaidi, A ABVAAP Vol.13(1) [June 2005]30-37
Fly Ash: Problem and DisposalSingh, Ramashish; Majumdar, Abhijit; Das, Taritavaran; Maitra, Himanshu Bhushan; Sarkar, PinakiBVAAP Vol.13(2) [December 2005]171-175
The Application of Biotechnology in Pteridophytes: An OverviewShukla, Shastri Prasad; Khare, Prem BehariBVAAP Vol.13(2) [December 2005]203-208
Effect of some Heterocyclic Synthetic Nitrogen Regulators for Increasing the Efficacy of Urea in Paddy-wheat Crop RotationSharma, J P; Singh, Teekam; Taneja, H.K.; Tomar, S.S.BVAAP Vol.13(1) [June 2005]98-101
Commercial Production of Healthy Plants of Virus free LiliesRam, Raja; Mehra, Arpana; Hallan, Vipin; Zaidi, A ABVAAP Vol.13(2) [December 2005]176-181
Driving Rain and its Use in Design of BuildingBhargava, P KBVAAP Vol.13(2) [December 2005]138-144
Aromatic Medicinal Plants in the Context of BioprospectionSingh, Janardan; Mishra, Nagendra Prasad; Sinha, Kirti; Joshi, GunjanBVAAP Vol.13(1) [June 2005]9-16
A survey of abandoned and neglected Tea Plantations in Sikkim for assessing the possibility of their Rejuvenation and ExtensionSud, R.K.; Prasad, Ramdeen; Singh, Brajinder; Vats, S.K.BVAAP Vol.13(1) [June 2005]25-29
Control of Potyviruses : Enhancement in the Production and Properties of Horticultural and Agricultural CropsMehra, Arpana; Singh, Manoj Kumar; Chandel, Vanita; Hallan, Vipin; Zaidi, A ABVAAP Vol.13(1) [June 2005]17-24
Application of Automation in Calibration of Multimeter using Precision CalibratorSingh, Ajeet; Sharma, Sudhir Kumar; Jaiswal, Shiv Kumar; Ojha, Vijay NarainBVAAP Vol.13(1) [June 2005]74-77