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Title: Ribozymes-A New Approach for Modulating Gene Expression
Authors: Singh, Yashveer
Misra, Arvind
Tripathi, Snehlata
Misra, Krishna
Issue Date: Oct-2002
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Specific inactivation of gene expression through ribozymes is a relatively novel approach. Specially designed ribozymes can be used to bind and bring out site specific cleavage of target viral mRNA. Recent reports suggest that ribozymes can be used effectively in cell culture against a variety of RNA targets, including, viral, endogenous and transfected sequences. Besides, destroying mRNA. they can be used to repair mutant RNAs as well, Of many catalytic motifs, hairpin and hammerhead appears to be more promising as therapeutic agents and are being tested in clinical trials.
Page(s): 775-785
ISSN: 0975-1084 (Online); 0022-4456 (Print)
Appears in Collections:JSIR Vol.61(10) [October 2002]

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