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Title: Impact of different stages of spinning process on fibre orientation and properties of ring, rotor and air-jet yarns: Part 1– Measurements of fibre orientation parameters and effect of preparatory processes on fibre orientation and properties
Authors: Kumar, Akshay
Ishtiaque, S M
Salhotra, K R
Kannan, M S Senthil
Keywords: Drafting wave;Fibre extent;Fibre orientation;Fibrogram;Lindsley technique
Issue Date: Dec-2008
Publisher: CSIR
IPC Code: Int. Cl. ⁸ D02G3/00
Abstract: The economic situation of the textile industry and the extremely sharp worldwide competition have forced the textile mills to use all possibilities of cutting costs. In this context, the question of higher production at each spinning sequence of machine gains importance. This demands a detailed study on the effect of spinning process variables on fibre orientation and properties of products produced out of these machines. This paper reports a glimpse on the different measurement techniques of fibre orientation parameters and impact of various preparatory processes on fibre orientation and properties.
Page(s): 451-467
ISSN: 0971-0426
Appears in Collections:IJFTR Vol.33(4) [December 2008]

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