IJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003] : [13] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Effect of charge transfer behaviour on the dielectric and ac conductivity of Co-Zn ferrite doped with rare earth elementAhmed, M A; Wasfy, M HIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]731-738
Charge imbalance in a non-equilibrium superconductorMattoo, B AIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]727-730
Study of dark and photoconductivity of Sb-doped CuInSe2 thin films Kumar, Rakesh; Padha, Naresh; Shishodia, P K; Mehra, R MIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]723-726
Temperature dependence of exciton life-time in GaAs/ AIGaAs quantum wellsPandey, S K; Ramrakhiani, M; Chandra, B PIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]719-722
Measurement of effective thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity for assessing the integrity of fiber to matrix bond in natural fiber compositeMangal, R; Saxena, N S; Joshi, G P; Sreekala, M S; Thomas, SIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]712-718
Frequency distribution function of phonons in different layers of graphiteTewari, S P; Silotia, Poonam; Saxena, AdityaIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]707-711
Thermal evaporation of diglycine hydrogen fluoride crystalsKhandpekar, M MIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]704-706
Measurement of heat storage coefficient of solid-solid-air mixtures at different pressuresKshrotriya, A; Jain, S KIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]700-703
Security holograms readable with an encoded key hologramKaura, Sushil K; Chhachhia, D P; Sharma, Amit K; Aggarwal, A KIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]696-699
Ultrasonic studies on molecular interaction of certain carbonyl compounds in n-hexane and chloroform solutions Kannappan, V; Raja, S Xavier Jesu; Santhi, R JayaIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]690-695
Ultrasonic study of some ophthalmic solutions in aqueous mediumPrasad, K Ravindra; Naidu, P SubramanyamIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]686-689
Titania films deposited by thermal evaporation as humidity sensorYadav, B C; Shukla, R KIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]681-685
Thermodynamical properties of neutron matter using Gogny effective interactionRamadan, Kh A; Mansour, H M MIJPAP Vol.41(09) [September 2003]675-680
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13