IJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008] : [8] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8
Jovian decametric radio emission: An overview of the planetary radio astronomical observationsBose, S K; Sarkar, S; Bhattacharyya, A BIJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008]77-108
OVSF code groups and reduction in call blocking for WCDMA systemsSaini, Davinder S; Bhooshan, Sunil V; Chakravarty, TIJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008]143-147
Analysis of a coupled-cavity slow wave structure for a TWTAlaria, M K; Srivastava, VIJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008]139-142
Design and development of inclined longitudinal slot rectangular waveguide antenna for LCP and RCPSatnoor, S K; Vani, R M; Konda, R B; Mulgi, S N; Hunagund, P VIJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008]135-138
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with human bodyKumar, Vijay; Vats, R P; Goyal, Sachin; Kumar, Sandeep; Pathak, P PIJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008]131-134
Concentrations of surface O₃, NO₂ and CO during winter seasons at a semi-arid region – Agra, IndiaSaini, Renuka; Satsangi, G S; Taneja, AjayIJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008]121-130
The finite element approach for evaluation of extinction cross-section of realistically distorted raindropsAmarjit; Gangwar, R P SIJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008]114-120
A study on heating of the lower ionosphere during lightningDe, S S; Adhikari, S K; De, M; Bandyapadhyay, B; Guha, A; Paul, Suman; De, B KIJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008]109-113
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8