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Title: Use of polysaccharide fibres for modern wound dressings
Authors: Ghosh, S
Jassal, M
Keywords: Alginate;Chitin;Dextran;Hyaluronate;Polysaccharide;Wound dressing
Issue Date: Dec-2002
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Polysaccharide fibres like alginate, chitin, chitosan, modified cellulosic fibres, dextran, hyaluronate, pectin and(1-3)β-D-glucans are being used for modern wound dressing. This paper presents an overview of wound healing mechanism and preparation and application of above biopolymeric fibres in the highly specialized biomedical field of wound management.
Page(s): 434-450
ISSN: 0975-1025 (Online); 0971-0426 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJFTR Vol.27(4) [December 2002]

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