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Title: Weighting of silk by graft copolymerization technique
Authors: Karmakar, S R
Mandal, S
Das, K
Sadhukhan, D
Ghosh, S
Manna, R
Keywords: Breaking load;Degumming;Drape coefficient;Dyeing;Grafting;Weighting
Issue Date: Jun-2002
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Wild silk yarns and fabrics have been graft copolymerized with two monomers, namely methyl methacrylate (MMA) and methacrylic acid (MAA), using potassium peroxidisulphate and cerric ammonium sulphate to minimize homopolymer formation. The optimum conditions of grafting have been standardized. The changes in the dyeing behaviour using acid, basic and reactive dyes have also been investigated to understand whether the grafting should be carried out before, after and during dyeing operation. It is observed that the graft copolymerization with MAA and MMA affects the dyeability of silk. The effect on various physical properties of silk fibres grafted before and after dyeing is quite noteworthy. The higher the graft add-on the more is the variation in physical properties. The dyeing followed by grafting using reactive dyes shows favoured properties and is recommended for weighting of silk on industrial scale.
Page(s): 171-178
ISSN: 0975-1025 (Online); 0971-0426 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJFTR Vol.27(2) [June 2002]

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