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Title: Effect of -amino acids on the functional activity and conformational stability of ribonuclease-A
Authors: Shahjee, Hanief M
Rishi, Vikas
Ahmad, Faizan
Issue Date: Dec-2002
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Using cytidine 2':3' cyclic monophosphate as a substrate, Km and kcat of ribonuclease-A in the presence of different concentrations of D-amino acids (Ala, Ser, Pro and Lys) and their L- isomers were measured at pH 6.0 and 25°C. These kinetic parameters remained unchanged in the presence and absence of D-and L-amino acids. This is the first experimental evidence showing that D-amino acids are compatible with the enzyme function. Values of Tm (midpoint of denaturation).ΔHm (enthalpy change at Tm)  and Δ Cp (constant-pressure heat capacity change) were also determined from the heat –induced denaturation curves of the protein. measured in the presence and absence of D- and L-isomers of an amino ac id at four different pH values. It is shown for the first time that these thermodynamic parameters, within experimental errors, do not depend on the stereospecificity of an amino acid. Estimates of ΔGDo with the help of Gibbs-Helmoltz equation (ΔGDo = ΔHm (1-298.15/Tm) - ΔCp [(Tm- 298.15) + 298.15 In (298.15/Tm)])using known values of Tm, ΔHm and ΔCp suggested that D- and L-amino acids are compatible with protein stability, for ΔGDo remained unchanged in the presence of amino acids.
Page(s): 368-376
ISSN: 0975-0959 (Online); 0301-1208 (Print)
Appears in Collections: IJBB Vol.39(6) [December 2002]

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