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Results 11-20 of 21 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Enhanced accumulation of triterpenoids and flavonoids in cell suspension cultures of Azadirachta indica (A. Juss.) with an extended stationary phaseBabu, Vidhu Sankar; Narasimhan, S; Nair, G MIJBT Vol.7(2) [April 2008]270-272
Micropropagation of Terminalia bellerica Roxb. from juvenile explantsRathore, P; Suthar, R; Purohit, S DIJBT Vol.7(2) [April 2008]246-249
Molecular characterization of Tobacco streak virus causing soybean necrosis in IndiaKumar, N Arun; Narasu, M Lakshmi; Zehr, Usha B; Ravi, K SIJBT Vol.7(2) [April 2008]214-217
Molecular characterization of traded black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) from India, Indonesia, Vietnam and MalaysiaKizhakkayil, Jaleel; Thomas, Elizabeth; Sasikumar, BIJBT Vol.7(2) [April 2008]210-213
Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from stem explants of Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight. & Arn.Sathyanarayana, N; Rajesha, R; Vikas, P B; Kumar, T N BharathIJBT Vol.7(2) [April 2008]250-254
Molecular evaluation of bivoltine, polyvoltine and mutant silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) with RAPD, ISSR and RFLP-STS markersAwasthi, A K; Kar, P K; Srivastava, P P; Rawat, Nidhi; Vijayan, K; Pradeep, A R; Urs, S RajeIJBT Vol.7(2) [April 2008]188-194
Biosorption of heavy metals–An overviewDas, Nilanjana; Vimala, R; Karthika, PIJBT Vol.7(2) [April 2008]159-169
Comparison of nucleotide and amino acids sequence of Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) interleukin-18 (IL-18) with other ruminantsDas, Dhanjit Kumar; Saini, Mohini; Swarup, Devendra; Gupta, Praveen KumarIJBT Vol.7(2) [April 2008]195-199
Stem cell based therapy to restore nearly normal hearingKrishna, K Ananda; Rao, K R S SambasivaIJBT Vol.7(2) [April 2008]178-182
Prospects of lactic acid bacteria of marine originKathiresan, K; Thiruneelakandan, GIJBT Vol.7(2) [April 2008]170-177