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Title: Oil extraction from medicinal plants by Pawra tribe of Nandurbar district (Maharashtra): Value addition and sustainable utilization with the aid of Ayurved
Authors: Sourav, Mukherjee
Omkar, Kulkarni
Subhash, Deokule
Swati, Gadgil
Abhay, Harsulkar
Suresh, Jagtap
Keywords: Medicinal plants;Oil extraction;Pawra tribe;Traditional process;Ayurved
Issue Date: Apr-2013
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
IPC Code: Int. Cl.8: A61K 36/00, C11, C11C 3/00, A22C 25/00, A01D 6/00, A01D 6/31, A01D 6/27, A01D 9/09, A01D 4/29, A01D 9/00, A01D 8/32, A01D 20/37, A01D 20/50
Abstract: Medicinal oils for topical applications are commonly used by the tribes for treatment of various ailments like headache, muscular spasms and local inflammation. Objective of present paper was to describe the traditional methods for extracting oils either from seeds or whole plants used by the Pawra community in Nandurbar district. Interestingly, the methods of extraction of oils described in Ayurvedic literatures are similar to these methods as well as the medicinal uses except using fish oil in skin diseases. Value addition in the extracted oil resulted in additional economic benefit. Plants used for oil extraction are being conserved in forests as well as cultivated in farm.
Page(s): 272-276
ISSN: 0975-1068 (Online); 0972-5938 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJTK Vol.12(2) [April 2013]

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