IJEMS Vol.06(3) [June 1999] : [9] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Effect of annealing on optical, dielectric and ac conduction properties of Bi2Se3 thin filmsNataraj, D; Senthil, K; Narayandass, Sa K; Mangalaraj, DIJEMS Vol.06(3) [June 1999]164-169
Microstructure and properties of high strength aluminium alloys subjected to rapid solidification processingRao, V VenkateswaraIJEMS Vol.06(3) [June 1999]158-163
Shovel-truck optimization study in an opencast min-A queueing approachTrivedi, Ratnesh; Rai, P; Nath, RIJEMS Vol.06(3) [June 1999]153-157
Synthesis and electrical behaviour of poly(chlorotrifluoroethylene)H Chohan, M H; Siddiqui, Masood A; Hussain, Rizwan; Munir, ArshadIJEMS Vol.06(3) [June 1999]170-172
Genesis of porosity and predicting specific deposit of rapid sand filtersBhargava, D S; Ojha, C S PIJEMS Vol.06(3) [June 1999]144-152
Adaptive mesh refinement in finite element analysisRajasekaran, S; Remeshan, VIJEMS Vol.06(3) [June 1999]135-143
Performance characteristics of an eccentric venturimeter with elongated throat for flow rate measurement of solid-liquid flowsBharani, S; Mishra, R; Singh, S N; Seshadri, VIJEMS Vol.06(3) [June 1999]119-124
Interaction effect of rectangular hole and arbitrarily oriented elliptical hole or crack in infinite plate subjected to uniform tensile loading at infinityUkadgaonker, Vijay G; Awasare, Pradeep JIJEMS Vol.06(3) [June 1999]125-134
Neural network modelling and simulation of hot upsettingRaj, K Hans; Sharma, Rahul S; Srivastava, S K; Patvardhan, CIJEMS Vol.06(3) [June 1999]111-118
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9