IJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001] : [23] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23
Optimization of some additives to improve protease production under SSFTunga, Rashbehari; Banerjee, Rintu; Bhattacharyya, B CIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1144-1148
Optimisation of fermentation conditions for gluconic acid production by a mutant of Aspergillus nigerSingh, Om Vir; Sharma, Amit; Singh, R PIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1136-1143
Effect of sublethal concentration of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki on food and developmental needs of the American bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner)Gujar, G T; Kalia, V; Kumari, ArchanaIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1130-1135
Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara Linn. on spore germination of Asterella angusta Steph. - A liverwortKothari, Meenal; Chaudhary, B LIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1194-1198
Changes in haemolymph constituents of American bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), infected with nucleopolyhedrovirusKalia, V; Chaudhari, S; Gujar, G TIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1123-1129
Changes in rubisco content in relation to saccharides accumulation in wheat leaves during dayRafique, Suphia; Sharma-Natu, Poonam; Ghildiyal, M CIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1191-1193
Surfactant-induced lipid peroxidation in a tropical euryhaline teleost Oreochromis mossambicus (Tilapia) adapted to fresh waterP C, Bindu; Philip, BabuIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1118-1122
Subacute toxicity of anilofos, a new organophosphorus herbicide in male rats: Effect on lipid peroxidation and ATPase activityHazarika, Archana; Sarkar, S N; Kataria, MeenaIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1113-1117
In vitro propagation of Mussaenda erythrophylla Schum and Thom cv. scarlet through multiple shoot regenerationMaity, S K; De, K K; Kundu, A KIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1188-1190
Subacute toxicity of anilofos, a new organophosphorus herbicide, in male rats: Effect on some physical attributes and acetylcholinesterase activityHazarika, Archana; Sarkar, S NIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1107-1112
High frequency in vitro propagation of Phyllanthus amarus Schum. &Thom. by shoot tip cultureBhattacharyya, Rajasri; Bhattacharya, SabitaIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1184-1187
Biochemical evaluation of lipid and oxidative stress status in relation to high fat-high antioxidant dietsSharma, Sheel; Sharma, RajeshwarIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1180-1183
Specific limb abnormalities induced by hydrogen peroxide in tadpoles of Indian jumping frog, Polypedates maculatusMahapatra, Pravati Kumari; Mohanty-Hejmadi, Priyambada; Chainy, Gagan B NIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1103-1106
Effect of brahma rasayana on antioxidant system after radiationRekha, P S; Kuttan, Girija; Kuttan, RamadasanIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1173-1175
Effect of estradiol- 17β on cell area, lumen area and trehalase activity of posterior silk gland of Bombyx mori L.Keshan, Bela; Ray, Arun KIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1096-1102
Influence of zinc on cardiac and serum biochemical parameters in rabbitsBhaskar, M; Madhuri, E; Latheef, S A Abdul; Subramanyam, GIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1170-1172
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of methanol extract of Phellinus rimosus (Berk) PilatAjith, T A; Janardhanan, K KIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1166-1169
Effect of dexamethasone on implantation and pregnancy in albino ratsNevagi, S A; Kaliwal, B BIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1163-1165
Citrus tissue culture employing vegetative explantsChaturvedi, H C; Singh, S K; Sharma, A K; Agnihotri, SavitaIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1080-1095
Antioxidant property of Smilex china LinnTripathi, Yamini B; Upadhyay, Anil Kumar; Chaturvedi, PadmajaIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1176-1179
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 23