IJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002] : [26] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26
Bioleaching of copper from chalcopyrite ore by fungiRao, D Venkateshwara; Shivannavar, Channappa T; Gaddad, Subhaschandra MIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]319-324
Fungistatic activity of Semecarpus anacardium Linn. f nut extractSharma, Kanika; Shukla, Sunil Dutt; Mehta, Pooja; Bhatnagar, MaheepIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]314-318
Artocarpus heterophyllus seeds inhibits sexual competence but not fertility of male ratsRatnasooriya, W D; Jayakody, J R A CIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]304-308
Evaluation of guinea pig model for experimental Salmonella serovar Abortusequi infection in reference to infertilitySingh, B R; Alam, Javed; Hansda, D; Verma, J C; Singh, V P; Yadav, M PIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]296-303
Immunological identification of two female-specific proteins from the plasma of Indian freshwater murrel, Channa punctatus (Bloch)Sehgal, Neeta; Goswami, S VIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]288-295
Cell proliferation and natural killer cell activity by polyherbal formulation, Immu-21 in miceNemmani, Kumar V S; Jena, G B; Dey, C S; Kaul, C L; Ramarao, PIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]282-287
Influence of cell wall degrading enzymes on colonization of N2 fixing bacterium, Azorhizobium caulinodans in riceBuvana, R; Kannaiyan, SIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]369-372
Marker assisted detection of gene (1Dx5) and translocation (1B/1R) in wheat genotypesTiwari, Ratan; Priyamvada; Singh, Rajender; Nainawatee, H S; Kumar, Rajendra; Tyagi, B S; Gupta, R K; Nagarajan, SIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]309-313
Effect of co-administration of piperine on pharmacokinetics of β-lactam antibiotics in ratsHiwale, A R; Dhuley, J N; Naik, S RIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]277-281
Effect of a non-hormonal feed additive, Cholymbi on growth, body composition and digestive enzyme activity of common carp, Cyprinus carpioHanumanthappa, H; Keshavanath, P; Naik, A T Ramachandra; Gangadhar, BIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]366-368
Amelioration of experimental diabetic neuropathy and gastropathy in rats following oral administration of plant (Eugenia jambolana, Mucurna pruriens and Tinospora cordifolia) extractsGrover, J K; Rathi, S S; Vats, VIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]273-276
Male accessory gland secretions in hybrids of Drosophila nasuta nasuta and D. n. albomicans neither show luxuriance nor breakdownRam, K Ravi; Ramesh, S RIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]359-362
In vitro organogenesis and genetic transformation in popular Cucumis sativus L. through Agrobacterium tumefaciensSoniya, E V; Das, M RIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]329-333
Effect of fish oil on mitochondrial respiration in isoproterenol induced myocardial infarction in ratsPadma, V Vijaya; Devi, C S ShyamalaIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]268-272
Evaluation of mosquitocidal activity of Annona squamosa leaves against filarial vector mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus SayJaswanth, A; Ramanathan, P; Ruckmani, KIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]363-365
Effect of dietary protein on vitamin A levels in plasma and liver of hypervitaminotic-A ratsKarar, P K; Manavalan, R; Rajagopal, GIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]355-358
Immunotoxicity of soluble and insoluble salts of cadmium instilled Intratracheally*Dogra, Shashi; Waseem, Mohd; Khanna, Ashok Kumar; Kaw, Jawahir LalIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]262-267
Measurement of creatinine by Jaffe's reaction - Determination of concentration of sodium hydroxide required for maximum color development in standard, urine and protein free filtrate of serumToora, B D; Rajagopal, GIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]352-354
Photodynamic action of merocyanine 540 on carcinoma of cervix cellsSharma, Mrinalini; Bansal, Harsha; Gupta, Pradeep KumarIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]252-257
Effect of oral magnesium supplementation on experimental pre-eclampsia induced by prolonged blockade of nitric oxide synthesis in pregnant ratsPandhi, P; Saha, L; Malhotra, SIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]349-351
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26