IJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003] : [11] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Progesterone receptors on human spermatozoaShah, Chirag; Modi, Deepak; Gadkar, Sushama; Sachdeva, Geetanjali; Puri, ChanderIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]773-780
Epididymis as a target for contraceptionKhole, VrindaIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]764-772
Embryo-endometrial proteases during early mammalian developmentSeshagiri, P B; Lalitha, H S; Mishra, A; Sireesha, G VIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]756-763
Expression and regulation of integrin receptors in human trophoblast cells: Role of estradiol and cytokinesDas, Chandana; Basak, SayantaniIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]748-755
Functional roles of plasma membrane localized estrogen receptorsSreeja, S; Thampan, RaghavaVarmanIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]740-747
Stem cell research: Its relevance to reproductive biologyNandedkar, Tarala; Narkar, MadhuraIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]724-739
Conservation of wild animals by assisted reproduction and molecular marker technologyShivaji, S; Kholkute, S D; Verma, S K; Gaur, Ajay; Umapathy, G; Singh, Anju; Sontakke, Sadanand; Shailaja, K; Reddy, Anuradha; Monika, S; Sivaram, V; Jyotsna, B; Bala, Satyare; Ahmed, M Shakeel; Bala, Aruna; Chandrashekar, B V N; Gupta, Sandeep; Prakash, Surya; Singh, LaljiIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]710-723
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Biochemical and molecular perspectivesMaitra, Anurupa; Shirwalkar, HeenaIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]701-709
Endocrine characteristics of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)Szilagyi, A; Szabo, IIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]694-700
Zona pellucida glycoproteins based immunocontraceptive vaccines: Strategies for development and their applicationsGupta, Satish K; Choudhury, Sangeeta; Srivastava, Neelu; Ravi, ChitraIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]682-693
Local regulatory factors in regulation of ovarian function: Role of prorenin-renin-angiotensin-systemBrunswig-Spickenheier, Barbel; Mukhopadhyay, Amal KIJEB Vol.41(07) [July 2003]669-681
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11