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Title: Bheta fishing - A traditional community fishing practice of Nocte tribe of Tirap district, Arunachal Pradesh
Authors: Dutta, Rajdeep
Dutta, Amalesh
Keywords: Indigenous Technical Knowledge;Fishing;Arunachal Pradesh;Nocte tribe;Bheta
Issue Date: Jan-2013
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
IPC Code: Int.Cl.8: A01K 69/00- A01K 77/00
Abstract: A traditional community fishing practiced by the Nocte tribe of Tirap district, Arunachal Pradesh in Namsang stream is discussed. The objective of the present study is to bring out detailed information about this indigenous fishing method. In this practice, fishes are caught in the lower reaches by obstructing water flow of the stream. Fishes in their attempt to overcome this obstruction ultimately got trapped. The study revealed that community fishing is a part of the cultural heritage of the Nocte tribe of Tirap district. Migratory behaviour of Cyprinids (e.g. Tor putitora, Barilius tileo, B.bola) has been effectively used in this fishing method for catching them.
Page(s): 162-165
ISSN: 0975-1068 (Online); 0972-5938 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJTK Vol.12(1) [January 2013]

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