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Title: Traditional fish aggregating wisdom of Manipur, Northeastern India
Authors: Devi, B Nightingale
Mishra, S K
Pawar, N A
Das, Lipi
Das, Soma
Keywords: Indigenous knowledge;Traditional fishermen;Fish aggregating device (FAD);Meitei community
Issue Date: Jan-2013
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
IPC Code: Int. Cl.8: A01K 61/00, A01K 63/00, A01K 97/00
Abstract: In the present study, endeavor was been made to document the different types of traditional fish aggregating devices (FADs) being practiced by the fishermen from the study area and to explore the fishers’ rationale behind their use. Looking into the nature of the study, the information was collected by personal interviews, field observations and conducting focus group discussions with 10-12 practicing fishermen of the meitei community, Manipur state. The study explored a unique traditional fish aggregating wisdom of central valley region of Manipur namely, Phoom namba , Phoomdao thumba (for Air breathing fishes), bunches of weeds (for grass carp) in loktak lake, macrophytes in low lying areas and branches of the tree and twigs (Kao) in the river systems. Further, the study has also revealed that the operation of the fish aggregating techniques ranges from individual to group of fishermen which share the benefits out of the common property resources.
Page(s): 130-136
ISSN: 0975-1068 (Online); 0972-5938 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJTK Vol.12(1) [January 2013]

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