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Title: Traditional fish trapping devices and methods in the Brahmaputra valley of Assam
Authors: Baruah, Deepjyoti
Dutta, Amalesh
Pravin, Puthra
Keywords: Traps;Traditional, Brahmaputra valley;Assam
Issue Date: Jan-2013
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
IPC Code: Int. Cl.8: A01K 69/00, A01K 69/06, A01K 71/00, A01K 74/00, A01K 79/00
Abstract: An investigation was made on the availability of different types of fish trapping implements in the Brahmaputra valley with an objective to study their respective dimensions, seasonal variation, abundance, catch, cost, variability of gears with species, season and their mode of operation. The identified fish traps can be classified into 28 different types of 5 major categories based on the principle of capture, design, and operational methods. These traps vary widely in shapes from conical, cylindrical, pyramidal to rectangular shaped mostly made of fine screen work made of slender splits of bamboo.
Page(s): 123-129
ISSN: 0975-1068 (Online); 0972-5938 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJTK Vol.12(1) [January 2013]

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