IJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001] : [10] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Conformational study of peptides containing dehydrophenylalanine Helical structures without hydrogen bondNandel, Fateh S; Kaur, Harpreet; Malik, Nandita; Shankar, Neelaabh; Jain, Dharam V SIJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001]417-425
Role of liquid membrane phenomenon in biological actions of ACE inhibitors, captopril and lisinoprilNagappa, AN; Patil, R T; Pandi, V; Ziauddin, KIJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001]412-416
Effect of γ-irradiation on H3 histone and DNA in solutionUpadhyay, S NIJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001]406-411
Effect of a water soluble derivative of α-tocopherol on radiation response of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSingh, Rakesh K; Verma, Naresh C; Kagiya, V TIJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001]399-405
Non-coordinate expression of closely linked mouse casein genesGeorge, Sisilamma; Springbett, Anthea; Clark, A John; Archibald, Alan LIJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001]393-398
Buffalo plasma fibronectin : A physico-chemical studyAhmed, Nizamuddin; Chandra, Ramesh; Raj, H GIJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001]384-392
Physico-chemical characterization of growth hormone from water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Maithal, Kapil; Krishnamurty, H G; Muralidhar, KIJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001]375-383
Limited proteolysis by trypsin influences activity of maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylaseMaralihalli, Gururaj B; Bhagwat, Anil SIJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001]361-367
UDP-galactose 4-epimerase from Escherichia coli: Equilibrium unfolding studiesNayar, Suprabha; Bhattacharyya, DebasishIJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001]353-360
Equilibrium denaturation of buffalo pituitary growth hormoneMaithal, Kapil; Krishnamurty, H G; Muralidhar, KIJBB Vol.38(6) [December 2001]368-374
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10