IJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012] : [11] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Study of structural property of n-type indium antimonide thin filmsVishwakarma, S R; Verma, A K; Tripathi, R S N; Das, S; RahulIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]339-346
Optical and invitro bioactive properties of sodium silicate glassesKumar, Vishal; Tyagi, Sachin; Singh, KIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]335-338
Effect of size on cohesive energy, melting temperature and Debye temperature of nanomaterialsKumar, Raghuvesh; Kumar, MunishIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]329-334
Effect of 100 MeV Ni8+ ion irradiation on nanocrystalline PbSChoudhury, N; Singh, F; Sarma, B KIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]325-328
Synthesis and analysis of LiNbO3 ceramic powders by co-precipitation methodPrakash, B Jaya; Buddhudu, SIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]320-324
Linear and non-linear propagation of electron plasma waves in quantum plasmaChandra, Swarniv; Paul, Sailendra Nath; Ghosh, BasudevIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]314-319
Synthesis, characterization and DFT studies of 6,8-dichloro-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-4H-chromen-4-oneSawant, Arun B; Nirwan, Ramesh SIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]308-313
Vibrational spectra, first hyperpolarizability, HOMO-LUMO analysis of 4-bromo 2-fluro anisoleArivazhagan, M; Kandasamy, N K; Thilagavathi, GIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]299-307
Pöschl Teller model for the total cross-section of neutron scattering from 232ThJeremiah, J Joseph; Jyrwa, B MIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]289-294
Measurement of natural linewidth of atomic transition using saturated absorption spectroscopyArora, Poonam; Jha, Pratyush; Agarwal, Ashish; Gupta, Amitava SenIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]295-298
Concentrations of 214Pb, 214Bi in 238U series and 208Tl, 228Ac in 232Th series in granite rock in (Kadugli) SudanAlnour, I A; Ibrahim, N; Hossain, IIJPAP Vol.50(05) [May 2012]285-288
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11