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dc.contributor.authorPetrovic, Goran-
dc.contributor.authorMarinkovic, Zoran-
dc.contributor.authorMarinkovic, Dragan-
dc.identifier.issn0975-1084 (Online); 0022-4456 (Print)-
dc.description.abstractThis study presents a comparison of two models to find optimum maintenance policy of complex degraded systems. UsingMarkov processes, optimal value of mean time to preventive maintenance is determined by maximizing availability of completesystems. Models include a stochastic degradation process, random failures and a set of maintenance actions and their effects. A reallife case study is presented to illustrate implementation of models. A two-component transportation system for collecting wasteutilized by Public utility company, Mediana Niš, Serbia, is analyzed.en_US
dc.publisherNISCAIR-CSIR, Indiaen_US
dc.rights CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Indiaen_US
dc.sourceJSIR Vol.70(06) [June 2011]en_US
dc.subjectMarkov processesen_US
dc.subjectPreventive maintenanceen_US
dc.subjectTransport systemen_US
dc.titleOptimal preventive maintenance model of complex degraded systems: A real life case studyen_US
Appears in Collections:JSIR Vol.70(06) [June 2011]

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