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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18
Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activity of Justicia gendarussa Burm. f. leavesShikha, P; Latha, PG; Suja, SR; Anuja, G I; Shyamal, S; Shine, VJ; Sini, S; Krishna Kumar, N M; Rajasekharan, SIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]456-461
Immunostimulatory activity of aqueous extract of Murraya koenigii (Linn.) Spreng. leavesShah, A S; Juvekar, A RIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]450-455
Antibacterial potential of Thespesia populnea (Linn.) Sol. ex Corr. leaves and its corresponding callus against drug resistant isolatesMoon, Archana; Khan, Aqueel; Wadher, BharatIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]444-449
Flowers of Madhuca indica J. F. Gmel.: Present status and future perspectivesPatel, Madhumita; Naik, S NIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]438-443
Phytochemical and pharmacological profile of Cassia tora Linn. - An OverviewJain, Smita; Patil, U KIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]430-437
Nigella sativa Linn.– A comprehensive reviewPaarakh, Padmaa MIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]409-429
Herbs as liver savers- A reviewChaudhary, G D; Kamboj, P; Singh, I; Kalia, A NIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]397-408
Maximization of productivity for Chickpea (Cicer arietinum Linn.) through improved technologies in farmer’s fieldsTomar, R K SIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]515-517
Tacca leontopetaloides (Linn.) O. Kuntze (Taccaceae) – A new record to the flora of RajasthanMeena, KL; Yadav, BLIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]512-514
Some ethnomedicines used by the Tai Ahom of Dibrugarh district, Assam, IndiaKalita, Dilip; Phukan, BonoranjanIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]507-511
Studies on ethnomedicinal plants conserved by Garasia tribes of Sirohi district, Rajasthan, IndiaMeena, K L; Yadav, B LIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]500-506
Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Azima tetracantha Lam. leaves extracts against CCl4- induced liver injury in ratsEkbote, Maruthi T; Ramesh, C K; Mahmood, Riaz; Thippeswamy, B S; Verapur, VeereshIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]493-499
Protective effect of aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera Lam. stem bark on serum lipids, marker enzymes and heart antioxidants parameters in isoproterenol-induced cardiotoxicity in Wistar ratsGunjal, Mahendra A; Shah, Abhishek S; Wakade, Alok S; Juvekar, Archana RIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]485-492
Antimicrobial activity of Crotalaria burhia Buch.-Ham. rootKataria, Sandeep; Shrivastava, Birendra; Khajuria, R K; Suri, K A; Sharma, PiushIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]481-484
Pharmacognostical studies on white and red forms of Abrus precatorius Linn.Prathyusha, P; Subramanian, Modurpalayam S; Sivakumar, RIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]476-480
Wound healing activity of Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad. & Wendl. fruitsKumar, Neeraj; Prakash, Dhan; Kumar, PankajIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]470-475
In vitro bactericidal activity of lyophilized ethanolic extract of Indian almond (Terminalia catappa Linn.) fruit pulp on two pathogenic bacteria from subgingival plaquesRajarajan, S; Asthana, Meeta; Shanthi, GIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]466-469
Inhibition of UV induced adversaries by -glucogallin from Amla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) fruitsMajeed, Muhammed; Bhat, Beena; Susmitha Anand, T SIJNPR Vol.1(4) [December 2010]462-465
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18