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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Study on the Distribution and Bioaccumulation of Natural Radionuclides, 210Po and 210Pb in Parangipettai Coast, South East Coast of IndiaRaja, P; Hameed, P.ShahulIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]449-455
Community structure of net phytoplankton along surf zone of Mangalore during southwest monsoon seasonRaveesha, K. P; Mohan, A; Chethan, N; Katti, R. J; Reddy, H.R.VIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]445-448
Faecal indicators and sanitary water quality of shellfish-harvesting environment: influences of seasonal monsoon and river-runoffSasikumar, Geetha; Krishnamoorthy, MIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]434-444
Seasonal variation of enzyme activity and stress metabolites in eight benthic macro algae with fluctuations in salinity of Sunderban estuary, IndiaChakraborty, S; Santra, S C; Bhattacharya, TIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]429-433
UV-B radiation and high light induced oxidative damage in Phormidium corium may cause bleaching to associated coral reefsBhandari, Rupali R.; Sharma, Prabhat K.IJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]423-428
Textural characteristics of the surface sediments of a Tropical mangrove ecosystem Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat, IndiaKumar, Goutam; Ramanathan, AL; Rajkumar, KIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]415-422
Discontinuous distribution of Alepisaurus ferox Lowe, 1833 (Alepisauridae, Teleostei) in the Indian EEZ as revealed by the tuna longline surveyVarghese, Sijo P; Somvanshi, V S; Varghese, SIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]406-414
Seasonal cycle of physical forcing and biological response in the Bay of BengalKumar, S Prasanna; Nuncio, M; Narvekar, Jayu; Ramaiah, N; Sardesai, S; Gauns, M; Fernandes, VIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]388-405
Spatial and temporal differences in the coastal fisheries along the east coast of IndiaVivekanandan, E; Krishnakumar, P KIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]380-387
Seasonal variability in biological carbon biomass standing stocks and production in the surface layers of the Bay of BengalRamaiah, N; Fernandes, V; Paul, J T; Jyothibabu, R; Mangesh, G; Jayraj, E AIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]369-379
Nitrogen uptake rates and new production in the northern Indian OceanGandhi, Naveen; Prakash, Satya; Ramesh, R; Kumar, SanjeevIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]362-368
Seasonal cycles of a 3D marine ecosystem model in the North Indian Ocean: Sensitivity to biological process parametersSwathi, P.S; Sharada, M.K; Yajnik, K.SIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]341-361
Comparison of chlorophyll concentration in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea using IRS-P4 OCM and MODIS AquaSingh, Ramesh P.; Chaturvedi, PrashantIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]334-340
Bloom of Trichodesmium erythraeum (Ehr.) and its impact on water quality and plankton community structure in the coastal waters of southeast coast of IndiaMohanty, A K; Satpathy, K K; Sahu, G; Hussain, K J; Prasad, M V R; Sarkar, S KIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]323-333
Spatio-temporal dynamics of suspended sediment concentration during the 2004 Sumatra tsunamiZhang, XinFeng; Tang, DanLing; Li, ZiZhen; Dai, XiaoJieIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]313-322
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15