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Title: Studies on microwave synthesized polyol linseed oil
Authors: Sharmin, Eram
Akram, Deewan
Vashishth, Arti
Shah, Md Yaseen
Zafar, Fahmina
Ahmad, Sharif
Issue Date: Jun-2010
Publisher: CSIR
Abstract: Depleting petroleum resources and increasing environmental concerns have accelerated the utilization of vegetable oils in the development of low molecular weight polymers like polyesters, alkyds, polyester amides, polyether amides, polyepoxies, polyurethanes, polyols and others, which are used in the field of lubricants, adhesives, biodiesel, cosmetics and coating materials. Generally, these polymers are synthesized by multi-step process at high temperatures and time periods in the presence of volatile organic solvents. To overcome the aformentioned drawbacks, polyol from linseed oil was synthesized through micro-wave irradiation in the absence of any organic solvent. Polyol sample was characterized by physico-chemical analysis through standard laboratory methods. The structure of polyol was confirmed by spectral analysis (FTIR, NMR). It was found that in comparison to the polyol synthesized by conventional methods, it was possible to develop linseed polyol with shorter period by this technique.
Page(s): 43-45
ISSN: 0975-2412 (Online); 0771-7706 (Print)
Appears in Collections:BVAAP Vol.18(1) [June 2010]

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