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Title: Aha! Moments
Authors: Mani, Poornima
Issue Date: Aug-2010
Publisher: CSIR
Abstract: How often have you had an Aha! Moment – when the solution to a problem has suddenly emerged after hours of labouring over it? Read more about it. One hot afternoon at home, I was making an Origami (paper folding) frog. Origami books describe complex 3D folds with 2D drawings. However good the illustrations and descriptions maybe, some folds end up being very hard to understand. That afternoon I was stuck on one such difficult fold. After a long struggle trying out different folds, I was about to give up and close the book, when I had this sudden moment of revelation and I knew how to make the fold. Until this day I have no idea how I arrived at the solution. The answer suddenly ‘clicked’ to me and the frog was done.
Page(s): 29-31
Appears in Collections:SR Vol.47(08) [August 2010]

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