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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Characteristics of the 22-year modulation of cosmic ray intensitySharma, N K; Yadav, R SIJRSP Vol.23(2) [April 1994]165-169
Cosmic Ray Density Gradient & Its Dependence on the North-South Asymmetry in Solar ActivityBadruddin; Yadav, R S; Yadav, N RIJRSP Vol.14(6) [December 1985]151-156
Cosmic ray response to CMEs related with solar flares and coronal holesSharma, N K; Yadav, R S; Agrawal, S PIJRSP Vol.22(6) [December 1993]413-414
Current trends in international meetings and their publications: An analysisYadav, R S; Dhawan, S MALIS Vol.21(3) [September 1974]112-120
Long-term variation in cosmic ray intensity and Forbush decreases at 1AUSharma, N K; Yadav, R SIJRSP Vol.22(1) [February 1993]22-25
Meeting the information needs of research scientists – A sample analysis of INSDOC document supply servicesYadav, R S; Karanjai, ArunaALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]62-67
On the Major Solar Flare Activity in Solar Cycles 19, 20 & 21 (1955-79)Badruddin; Yadav, R S; Yadav, N RIJRSP Vol.12(4) [August 1983]124-128
Polarity of the Solar Magnetic Field & Cosmic Ray AnisotropyYadav, R SIJRSP Vol.12(1) [February 1983]10-12
Procurement and use of technical report literature- A case study of INSDOC's documentation serviceBhushan, Ved; Yadav, R SALIS Vol.20(1-4) [March-December 1973]92-97
Reactivity of triphenyltin(IV) O,O'-dialkyl/alkylene dithiophosphates with Lewis basesSrivastava, S K; Yadav, R S; Gaur, A; Dubey, NIJC-A Vol.45A(02) [February 2006]394-397
Development of plasma display panel phosphors at National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi Yadav, R S; Khan, A F; Chander, Harish; Haranath, D; Yadav, Ashish; Sharma, A K; Chawla, SantaIJPAP Vol.47(06) [June 2009]399-401
Solar Latitudinal Distribution of Solar Flares of Different Importances around the SunYadav, R S; Badruddin; Kumar, SantoshIJRSP Vol.09(4) [August 1980]155-157
Study of Sudden Increases & Sharp Decreases In Cosmic Ray IntensityPrasad, R; Yadav, R SIJRSP Vol.05(4) [December 1976]289-292
A study on most frequently cited journals by Indian scientists in physicsDhawan, S M; Yadav, R SALIS Vol.19(4) [December 1972]185-193
Use of patent literature - Case study in document procurement service of INSDOCYadav, R S; Bhushan, VedALIS Vol.20(1-4) [March-December 1973]109-115