Browsing by Author Srivastava, V

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Adsorption of cadmium(II) from aqueous solutions by an indigenous clay mineralSharma, Y C; Srivastava, VIJCT Vol.13(3) [May 2006]218-221
Analysis of a coupled-cavity slow wave structure for a TWTAlaria, M K; Srivastava, VIJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008]139-142
Development of attenuators by carbon coating on APBN support rods using RF sputtering techniquesArya, Suneeta; Sharma, S M; Sharma, R K; Srivastava, V; Bindal, V K; Paul, A KBVAAP Vol.20(2) [December 2012]221-224
Effect of ceramic material on heat dissipation from multi-stage depressed collector used in high efficiency traveling-wave tubesGahlaut, Vishant; Sharma, R K; Srivastava, V; Alvi, P A; Ghosh, S KIJPAP Vol.51(09) [September 2013]657-660
Management of COVID-19: Ayurvedic perspectiveTripathi, Y B; Joshi, N; Dubey, S K; Byadgi, P S; Bhat, S; Prasad, R; Dwivedi, B K; Pandey, K K; Tripathi, J S; Pandey, C S; Murthy, K H H V S S N; Suman, S; Pandey, A K; Srivastava, V; Jaisawal, V; Dwivedi, K NIJTK Vol.19(Spl) [December 2020]69-80
LPDE catalysed rate acceleration of Diels-Alder reaction of electron-deficient dienes with in situ generated 2-methoxycarbonyl-p-benzoquinonePaul, S; Srivastava, V; Ray, S; Suryawanshi, S NIJC-B Vol.38B(04) [April 1999]463-465
Study of Hydrogen Balmer Emissions in Proton AuroraSrivastava, V; Singh, VirIJRSP Vol.14(6) [December 1985]147-150
Thermal analysis of coaxial coupler for a space helix TWTAlaria, Mukesh Kumar; Sinha, A K; Srivastava, VIJRSP Vol.38(4) [August 2009]227-232
Thermal analysis of slow wave structure for a space helix travelling wave tubeAlaria, Mukesh Kumar; Sunny; Sinha, A K; Srivastava, VIJPAP Vol.48(12) [December 2010]904-907
Transport model calculations of 5577Å and 6300Å OI emissions in proton precipitationSrivastava, V; Singh, VirIJRSP Vol.20(6) [December 1991]428-437
Variation of effective attachment coefficient with pollution and its effect on atmospheric electric parameters over the Indian subcontinentSrivastava, V; Varshneya, N CIJRSP Vol.24(1) [February 1995]1-13