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Synthesis & Characterization of Phenoxyacetates of LanthanoidsNatarajan, C; Sivakolunthu, SIJC-A Vol.25A(12) [December 1986]1156-1157
Synthesis and characterisation of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II),Cu(II) and Zn(II) bis- chelates of 8-quinolinyloxyacetic acid and a few mixed ligand complexes of Cu(ll) with 8-quinolinyloxyacetic acidSivakolunthu, S; Saroja, B; Sivasubramanian, SIJC-A Vol.37A(04) [April 1998]357-360
Synthesis and characterization of cobalt (II), nickel (II) and copper (II) bis-chelates and mixed-ligand complexes of -(2-hydroxyphenyl)-N-( 2-nitrocyclohexyl)nitroneThirumalaikumar, M; Sivakolunthu, S; Ponnuswamy, A; Sivasubramanian, SIJC-A Vol.38A(07) [July 1999]720-722
Synthesis and characterization of lanthanide(III) complexes of β-benzoyl and α-phenyl-β-benzoyl propionic acidsMeenakshi, C; Ramamoorthy, V; Sivakolunthu, S; Muthusubramanian, S; Sivasubramanian, SIJC-A Vol.40A(02) [February 2001]207-210
Synthesis and characterization of lanthanide{III) complexes of 1-naphthoxy-, 2-naphthoxy- and 8-quinolinyloxyacetic acidsSivakolunthu, S; Sivasubrarnanian, S0975-0975(Online); 0376-4710(Print)325-328
Synthesis and stereochemical studies of some 4,4-diethoxycarbonyl-2,6-diaroyl-3,5- diarylthiane-1,1-dioxidesSelvaraj, S; Renuga, S; Gnanadeepam, M; Perumal, S; Sivakolunthu, SIJC-B Vol.38B(03) [March 1999]376-377
Through-space interaction of sulphur in lanthanide(III) complexes of (phenylthio)acetic acidRenuga, S; Sivakolunthu, S; Perumal, S; Selvaraj, S; Gnanadeepam, MIJC-A Vol.40A(07) [July 2001]754-756