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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Bounce resonance scattering and proton precipitationSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.30(6) [December 2001]287-291
Co-ordinated multistation VHF scintillation observations in India during March-April 1991Chandra, H; Vyas, G D; Rao, D R K; Pathan, B M; lype, A; Sekaran, B Ram; Naidu, A; Sadique, S M; Salgaonkar, C S; Tyagi, T R; Kumar, P N Vijay; Singh, Lakha; Iyer, K N; Pathak, K N; Gwal, A K; Kumar, Sushil; Singh, R P; Singh, U P; Singh, Birbal; Jain, V K; Navneeth, G N; Koparkar, P V; Rao, P V S Rama; Jaychandran, P T; Sriram, P; Rao, N Y S Santa; Gupta, A Das; Basu, K; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.22(2) [April 1993]69-81
Co-ordinated observations of VHF scintillations in India during February-March 1993Kumar, Sushil; Gwal, A K; Rao, P V S Rama; Jaychandran, P T; Prasad, D S V V D; Sing, R P; Singh, U P; Dasgupta, A; Basu, K; Sethuraman, R; Pathan, B M; Rao, D R K; Banola, S; Kesava Rao, P S; Naidu, Appala; Tyagi, T R; Vijaykumar, P N; Chandra, H; Vyas, G D; Singh, Birbal; Chauhan, Pawan; Iyer, K N; Pathak, K N; Shalgaonkar, C S; Vyas, B M; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.29(1) [February 2000]22-29
A comparative study of energy and pitch angle diffusion during cyclotron resonanceSingh, U P; Singh, D PIJRSP Vol.25(6) [December 1996]345-350
Contribution of higher pitch angles in sideband generationSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.35(1) [February 2006]59-61
Diffusion coefficient and wave amplification determination from pitch angle dependent kinetic energy of electronsSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.33(4) [August 2004]234-240
Non-zero wave growth minima for narrow band electron cyclotron wavesSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.27(2) [April 1998]82-86
Probability of sideband generation at low latitudesSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.35(1) [February 2006]22-25
Scintillation study at VaranasiSingh, R P; Singh, U P; Singh, A K; Singh, R NIJRSP Vol.22(1) [February 1993]17-21
Some features of low latitude second and third harmonic tweeksSingh, R N; Singh, R P; Singh, U P; Singh, AKIJRSP Vol.21(6) [December 1992]377-380
Some features of plasma bubble induced scintillations during the AICPITS campaigns of 1991Vijayakumar, P N; Tyagi, T R; Singh, Lakha; Chandra, H; Vyas, G D; Rao, D R K; Pathan, B M; Iype, A; Ramsekaran, B; Naidu, A; Sadique, S M; Iyer, K N; Pathak, K N; Gwal, A K; Kumar, Sushil; Singh, R P; Singh, U P; Singh, Birbal; Kumar, Pawan; Navneeth, G N; Koparkar, P V S; Ramarao, P V S; Jaychandran, P T; Sriram, P; Sethuraman, R; Dasgupta, A; Basu, K; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.36(2) [April 2007]91-102
Role of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in human and plant diseases Singh, U P; Prithiviraj, B; Sarma, B K; Singh, Mandavi; Rai, A BIJEB Vol.39(04) [April 2001]310-322
Strong diffusion of protons by Pc1 wavesSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.28(3) [June 1999]148-152
Test of wave-particle interaction linearity for 2 Hz sidebands of Siple transmitter whistler mode signals observed at Roberval, CanadaSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.37(6) [December 2008]414-418
Wave-particle interactions and charged particle precipitationSingh, U P; Singh, Ashok K; Singh, D P; Singh, R P; Singh, R NIJRSP Vol.25(6) [December 1996]351-355
Whistler wave intensity enhancement at plasmapauseSingh, D P; Singh, U P; Prakash, RamIJRSP Vol.30(2) [April 2001]72-76