Browsing by Author Singh, Ranjay K.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Title | Author(s) | Source | Page(s) |
Grazing and rangeland management: Trans-human adaptations by Brokpa community in fragile ecosystems of Arunachal Pradesh | Singh, Ranjay K.; Sureja, Amish K; Maiti, Sanjit; Tsering, Darge | IJTK Vol.17(3) [July 2018] | 550-558 |
Adaptations of culturally and nutritionally important traditional foods in Eastern Himalaya: A case study with Adi women of Arunachal Pradesh | Singh, Anamika; Singh, Ranjay K.; Bhardwaj, Rakesh; Singh, AK | IJTK Vol.11(4) [October 2012] | 623-633 |
A special note on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Why are you asking our gyan (knowledge) and padhati (practice)?: Ethics and prior informed consent for research on traditional knowledge systems* | Singh, Ranjay K.; Singh, KP; Turner, Nancy J. | IJTK Vol.12(3) [July 2013] | 547-562 |
Traditional wisdom of farmers: An experience towards the sustainable development of livestock | Singh, Ranjay K.; Dwivedi, B.S.; Singh, Ranjeeta | IJTK Vol.01(Inaugural) [July 2002] | 70-74 |