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Adaptation in rice-wheat based sodic agroecosystems: A case study on climate resilient farmers’ practicesSingh, Ranjay K; Kumar, Satyendra; Jat, H S; Singh, Anshuman; Raju, R; Sharma, DKIJTK Vol.13(2) [April 2014]377-389
Farming proverbs: analysis of their dynamics and farmers’ knowledgeSingh, Ranjay K; Dorjey, AIJTK Vol.3(3) [July 2004]276-286
Bio-mulching for ginger crop management:Traditional ecological knowledge led adaptation under rainfed agroecosystemsSingh, Awani K; Singh, Ranjay K; Singh, AK; Singh, VK; Rawat, SS; Mehta, KS; Kumar, A; Gupta, Manoj K; Thakur, ShailjaIJTK Vol.13(1) [January 2014]111-122
Biocultural diversity, climate change and livelihood security of the Adi community: Grassroots conservators of eastern Himalaya Arunachal PradeshSingh, Ranjay K; Bhowmik, SN; Pandey, CBIJTK Vol.10(1) [January 2011]39-56
Bioculturally important plant diversity of Arunachal Pradesh: Learning from Adi and Monpa communities about ‘Future crops of India’Singh, Ranjay K; Srivastava, R C; Adi Community; Monpa CommunityIJTK Vol.9(4) [October 2010]754-759
Bioculturally important rare new plant species of Heteropanax Seems (Araliaceae) from Eastern Himalaya, Arunachal PradeshSrivastava, R C; Singh, Ranjay K; Mukherjee, T KIJTK Vol.9(2) [April 2010]242-244
Biodiversity and recipe contests: Innovative socioecological approaches to capture ecological knowledge and conserve biodiversity in Arunachal PradeshSingh, Ranjay K; Singh, AnamikaIJTK Vol.12(2) [April 2013]240-251
Biological geographical indicators of traditional knowledge based products and green technology from Arunachal Pradesh: An initiative for safeguarding IPR of communitiesSingh, Ranjay K; Srivastava, R C; Adi Community; Monpa CommunityIJTK Vol.9(4) [October 2010]689-692
Botanical resources used in traditional wood carving industry among the Wancho tribe of Arunachal PradeshTag, Hui; Das, AK; Pallabi, H; Singh, Ranjay K; Palit, GIJTK Vol.7(1) [January 2008]148-156
Centurion women and diverse knowledge systemsSingh, Ranjay K; Sureja, Amish KIJTK Vol.5(3) [July 2006]413-419
Community knowledge and biodiversity conservation by Monpa tribeSingh, Ranjay K; Singh, Dheeraj; Sureja, Amish KIJTK Vol.5(4) [October 2006]513-518
Cultural significance and diversities of ethnic foods of Northeast IndiaSingh, Anamika; Singh, Ranjay KIJTK Vol.6(1) [January 2007]79-94
‘DUS’ characterization of an endangered salt tolerant radish landrace (Newar)Singh, Anshuman; Singh, Ranjay K; Singh, Jogendra; Goswami, Ankit; Upadhyaya, Arvind; Sharma, PCIJTK Vol.19(1) [January 2020]24-32
Dynamics of sustainable livestock and natural resources managementSingh, Ranjay K; Sureja, Amish KIJTK Vol.6(4) [October 2007]619-629
Ecoculture and subsistence living of Monpa community in the eastern Himalayas: An ethnoecological study in Arunachal PradeshSingh, Ranjay KIJTK Vol.12(3) [July 2013]441-453
Effect of process parameters and storage length on quality of dried cauliflower during storageGupta, Manoj Kumar; Sehgal, V K; Singh, Awani Kumar; Singh, Ranjay KIJTK Vol.11(1) [January 2012]177-184
Ethnozoological Diversity of Northeast India: Empirical Learning with Traditional Knowledge Holders of Mizoram and Arunachal PradeshChinlampianga, M; Singh, Ranjay K; Shukla, Amritesh CIJTK Vol.12(1) [January 2013]18-30
Farmers’ knowledge and creativity in eco-friendly pest management: Lessons in sustainable agricultureSingh, Ranjay K; Dwivedi, BS; Singh, Anshuman; Tripathy, SarveshIJTK Vol.13(3) [July 2014]574-581
Fishing in the Siang belt of Arunachal Pradesh, India: Learning Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Adi and Galo communitiesHussain, Shah Mustahid; Sen, Debashish; Riba, Toge; Pathak, Mahesh; Singh, Ranjay KIJTK Vol.15(4) [October 2016]685-692
Gekong-Galong–Traditional weaving technology of Adi tribes of Arunachal PradeshSingh, Anamika; Singh, Ranjay K; Adi Women CommunityIJTK Vol.7(1) [January 2008]87-92