Browsing by Author Singh, Nirmal

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Complexity reduction in fuzzy modeling of fan-coil unit of HVAC systemSingh, Jagdev; Singh, Nirmal; Sharma, J KJSIR Vol.64(06) [June 2005]420-425
Design of fuzzy system for vapour compression refrigeration systemSingh, Jagdev; Singh, Nirmal; Sharma, J KJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]135-141
Elemental analysis of potteries using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence techniqueKumar, Ajay; Garg, M L; Singh, Nirmal; Vijayan, VIJPAP Vol.44(04) [April 2006]300-307
Fuzzy modeling and control of HVAC systems – A reviewSingh, Jagdev; Singh, Nirmal; Sharma, J KJSIR Vol.65(06) [June 2006]470-476
Fuzzy modeling and identification of intelligent control for refrigeration compressorSingh, Jagdev; Singh, Nirmal; Sharma, J KJSIR Vol.65(01) [January 2006]22-30
Green synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles using Coriandrum sativum L. leaf extractSingh, Kuldeep; Chopra, Dimple Sethi; Singh, Dhandeep; Singh, NirmalIJBB Vol.59(4) [April 2022]450-454
Linguistic Fuzzy Modeling for Industrial ApplicationsSingh, Nirmal; Vig, Renu; Sharma, J KJSIR Vol.60(11) [November 2001]851-859
Role of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in the piracetam induced blockade of opioid effectsRehni, Ashish K; Singh, Nirmal; Jindal, SeemaIJEB Vol.45(12) [December 2007]1050-1054
Synthesis and evaluation of 2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H-carbazole derivatives as selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: Potential anti-Alzheimer’s agentsKukreja, Hitesh; Chugh, Rajan; Singh, Jatinder; Shah, Ramanpreet; Singh, Dhandeep; Singh, Nirmal; Chopra, Dimple Sethi; Singh, MandeepIJC-B Vol.60B(01) [January 2021]152-160