Browsing by Author Singh, Manoj Kumar

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Control of Potyviruses : Enhancement in the Production and Properties of Horticultural and Agricultural CropsMehra, Arpana; Singh, Manoj Kumar; Chandel, Vanita; Hallan, Vipin; Zaidi, A ABVAAP Vol.13(1) [June 2005]17-24
Differential toxicological endpoints of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) exposure in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines: Possible estrogen receptor α (ERα) independent modulationsDas, Mihir Tanay; Singh, Manoj Kumar; Thakur, Indu ShekharIJEB Vol.52(11) [November 2014]1052-1061
ELF hiss generation at lower edge of inner radiation beltPrakash, Ram; Gupta, D D; Agrawal, B M; Singh, Manoj Kumar; Chauhan, PawanIJRSP Vol.37(3) [June 2008]174-178
Evaluation of durability property of recycled concrete sand from waste concreteSingh, Manoj KumarBVAAP Vol.27(1&2) [June-December 2019]43-51
Evaluation of suitability of oil well drill cuttings for road makingMisra, A K; Mathur, Renu; Goel, Pankaj; Singh, Manoj KumarJSIR Vol.70(04) [April 2011]305-307
Relative effectiveness of plasmaspheric hiss and VLF hiss in the inner belt energetic electron precipitationPrakash, Ram; Singh, Manoj Kumar; Gupta, D DIJRSP Vol.38(5) [October 2009]254-259
Role of VLF power line harmonic radiation in precipitating energetic electrons at high latitudePrakash, Ram; Gupta, D D; Singh, Manoj KumarIJRSP Vol.38(2) [April 2009]74-79
Bioactivity guided fractionation of Moringa oleifera Lam. flower targeting Leishmania donovani Singh, Manoj Kumar; Paul, Joydeep; De, Tripti; Chakraborti, TapatiIJEB Vol.53(11) [November 2015]747-752
Viruses of Alstroemeria : Investigation, Control and Production of Virus free PlantsMehra, Arpana; Chandel, Vanita; Singh, Manoj Kumar; Verma, Neeraj; Singh, M K; Zaidi, A ABVAAP Vol.13(1) [June 2005]30-37