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Co-ordinated multistation VHF scintillation observations in India during March-April 1991Chandra, H; Vyas, G D; Rao, D R K; Pathan, B M; lype, A; Sekaran, B Ram; Naidu, A; Sadique, S M; Salgaonkar, C S; Tyagi, T R; Kumar, P N Vijay; Singh, Lakha; Iyer, K N; Pathak, K N; Gwal, A K; Kumar, Sushil; Singh, R P; Singh, U P; Singh, Birbal; Jain, V K; Navneeth, G N; Koparkar, P V; Rao, P V S Rama; Jaychandran, P T; Sriram, P; Rao, N Y S Santa; Gupta, A Das; Basu, K; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.22(2) [April 1993]69-81
Early Results of ATS-6 Radio Beacon Experiment at New DelhiGarg, S C; Vijayakumar, P N; Singh, Lakha; Tyagi, T R; Somayajulu, Y VIJRSP Vol.06(3) [September 1977]190-196
An Empirical Model of Ionospheric Electron Content over DelhiBhuyan, P K; Tyagi, T R; Singh, LakhaIJRSP Vol.16(4) [August 1987]291-294
IEC Variations during Geomagnetic Storms at DelhiBhuyan, P K; Tyagi, Tuhi Ram; Singh, Lakha; Somayajulu, Y VIJRSP Vol.13(5) [October 1984]139-142
Ionospheric Electron Content Measurements at a Northern Low Midlatitude Station through Half a Solar CycleBhuyan, P K; Tyagi, Tuhi Ram; Singh, Lakha; Somayajulu, Y VIJRSP Vol.12(3) [June 1983]84-93
Low Latitude Integrated Production & Loss Rates from Faraday Rotation Experiment Using ATS-6 & ETS-II Satellite TransmissionsDabas, R S; Bhuyan, P K; Tyagi, T R; Singh, Lakha; Somayajulu, Y VIJRSP Vol.12(3) [June 1983]81-83
Observation of Fresnel-type Fadings at Delhi, a Low Midlatitude Station, over Half a Solar CycleDabas, R S; Bhuyan, P K; Garg, S C; Singh, Lakha; Tyagi, T R; Somayajulu, Y VIJRSP Vol.11(5) [October 1982]171-179
On the Determination of Initial Polarization of Signals Transmitted by Geostationary SatellitesSingh, Lakha; Tyagi, T R; Somayajulu, Y VIJRSP Vol.14(1) [February 1985]28-30
Simultaneous Observations of IEC from Two Geostationary Satellites & Their Spatial CorrelationBhuyan, P K; Singh, Lakha; Tyagi, T RIJRSP Vol.13(6) [December 1984]185-188
Some features of plasma bubble induced scintillations during the AICPITS campaigns of 1991Vijayakumar, P N; Tyagi, T R; Singh, Lakha; Chandra, H; Vyas, G D; Rao, D R K; Pathan, B M; Iype, A; Ramsekaran, B; Naidu, A; Sadique, S M; Iyer, K N; Pathak, K N; Gwal, A K; Kumar, Sushil; Singh, R P; Singh, U P; Singh, Birbal; Kumar, Pawan; Navneeth, G N; Koparkar, P V S; Ramarao, P V S; Jaychandran, P T; Sriram, P; Sethuraman, R; Dasgupta, A; Basu, K; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.36(2) [April 2007]91-102
Spatial estimates of Rayleigh-Taylor instability at geomagnetic equator from satellite scintillation observations at DelhiVijayakumar, P N; Gupta, J K; Tyagi, T R; Singh, Lakha; Somayajulu, Y VIJRSP Vol.20(1) [February 1991]50-57
Study of Large & Medium Scale Irregularities Using 140 MHz ATS-6 Faraday Rotation Records from Three StationsSingh, Lakha; Vijayakumar, P N; Garg, S C; Tyagi, T R; Bhardwai, R K; Dabas, R S; Nagpal, O P; Gupta, A SenIJRSP Vol.06(3) [September 1977]245-249
Study of scintillations observed at Delhi during high solar activity periodGupta, J K; Singh, Lakha; Tyagi, T RIJRSP Vol.22(3) [June 1993]193-196
TEC Enhancement during Periods of Major Meteor ShowersLokandaham, B.; Yellaiah, G; Tyagi, T R; Singh, LakhaIJRSP Vol.17(3) [June 1988]114-116
Total Electron Content Measurements at Gauhati Using 140 MHz ATS-6 TransmissionsTyagi, Tuhi Ram; Singh, Lakha; Devi, Minakshi; Barbara, A KIJRSP Vol.06(3) [September 1977]241-244