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Binuclear Palladium(II) & Platinum(II) Chelates with Tetradentate Schiff Bases Derived from Acetylacetone & Aromatic DiaminesSingh, D P; Maurya, M R; Rana, V BIJC-A Vol.25A(10) [October 1986]972-973
Bounce resonance scattering and proton precipitationSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.30(6) [December 2001]287-291
A comparative study of energy and pitch angle diffusion during cyclotron resonanceSingh, U P; Singh, D PIJRSP Vol.25(6) [December 1996]345-350
Compressive strength and tensile strength of rocks at sub-zero temperatureDwivedi, R D; Singh, P K; Singh, TN; Singh, D PIJEMS Vol.05(1) [February 1998]43-48
Contribution of higher pitch angles in sideband generationSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.35(1) [February 2006]59-61
Diffusion coefficient and wave amplification determination from pitch angle dependent kinetic energy of electronsSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.33(4) [August 2004]234-240
Effect of glyphosate toxicity on growth, pigment and alkaline phosphatase activity in cyanobacterium Anabaena doliolum: A role of inorganic phosphate in glyphosate toleranceShikha; Singh, D P; Darmwal, N SIJEB Vol.42(02) [February 2004]208-213
Effect of Lossy Ground on Radiation Characteristics of Helical Antenna ArraySingh, D P; Dey, K KIJRSP Vol.16(6) [December 1987]401-404
Effect of Lower Ionosphere on the Propagation of VLP Waves at Low LatitudesSingh, D P; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.09(3) [June 1980]101-104
Effect of Magnetic Storms on the Low Latitude E- layerJain, S K; Singh, D P; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.08(1) [February 1979]20-23
Effect of solar wind distorted geomagnetic field on Storey angleSingh, D PIJRSP Vol.21(5) [October 1992]260-264
Effect of uniaxial cyclic compression on the mechanical behavior of rocksSingh, T N; Ray, S K; Singh, D PIJEMS Vol.01(2) [April 1994]118-120
An experimental approach for developing an alternative method for determining in situ stress using acoustic emission techniqueSingh, D P; Singh, P KIJEMS Vol.05(3) [June 1998]106-110
Experimental Investigations of Alpha Particle Irradiation of Natural NickelSavadi, Varun V; Singh, D P; Joshi, S K; Yadav, A; Singh, P P; Sharma, M K; Unnati; Mustafa, M M; Singh, B P; Prasad, R.IJPAP Vol.59(05) [May 2021]386-390
An Explanation for Unusual Lower & Upper Cut-off Frequencies of Low Latitude WhistlersSingh, D P; Singh, Hari; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.08(4) [August 1979]191-193
Hemolytic and DNA binding studies of divalent transition metal ion based macrocyclic complexesSangwan, Vikas; Singh, D PIJCT Vol.26(6) [November 2019]529-535
L-dependence of trapped electron diffusion by ELF wavesSingh, D PIJRSP Vol.21(4) [August 1992]250-254
Macrocyclic divalent transition metal complexes of cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc with their antimicrobial, spectroscopic studiesSharma, Kavita; Singh, D P; Kumar, VikasIJCT Vol.24(5) [September 2017]534-540
Non-zero wave growth minima for narrow band electron cyclotron wavesSingh, D P; Singh, U PIJRSP Vol.27(2) [April 1998]82-86
Precipitated electroll flux at low latitudesSingh, D PIJRSP Vol.21(5) [October 1992]306-308