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Attenuation of ULF-VLF seismo-electromagnetic signals and their propagation to long distancesSingh, Raj Pal; Singh, Birbal; Kushwah, Vinod Kumar; Chauhan, Ram Vir SinghIJRSP Vol.33(3) [June 2004]189-195
Characteristics of the observed low latitude very low frequency emission periods and whistler-mode group delays at JammuLalmani; Kumar, Rajou; Singh, Rajesh; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.30(4) [August 2001]214-216
Co-ordinated multistation VHF scintillation observations in India during March-April 1991Chandra, H; Vyas, G D; Rao, D R K; Pathan, B M; lype, A; Sekaran, B Ram; Naidu, A; Sadique, S M; Salgaonkar, C S; Tyagi, T R; Kumar, P N Vijay; Singh, Lakha; Iyer, K N; Pathak, K N; Gwal, A K; Kumar, Sushil; Singh, R P; Singh, U P; Singh, Birbal; Jain, V K; Navneeth, G N; Koparkar, P V; Rao, P V S Rama; Jaychandran, P T; Sriram, P; Rao, N Y S Santa; Gupta, A Das; Basu, K; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.22(2) [April 1993]69-81
Co-ordinated observations of VHF scintillations in India during February-March 1993Kumar, Sushil; Gwal, A K; Rao, P V S Rama; Jaychandran, P T; Prasad, D S V V D; Sing, R P; Singh, U P; Dasgupta, A; Basu, K; Sethuraman, R; Pathan, B M; Rao, D R K; Banola, S; Kesava Rao, P S; Naidu, Appala; Tyagi, T R; Vijaykumar, P N; Chandra, H; Vyas, G D; Singh, Birbal; Chauhan, Pawan; Iyer, K N; Pathak, K N; Shalgaonkar, C S; Vyas, B M; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.29(1) [February 2000]22-29
Diurnal and seasonal variation of GPS-TEC during a low solar activity period as observed at a low latitude station AgraChauhan, Vishal; Singh, O P; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.40(1) [February 2011]26-36
Effect of Horizontal Gradients on the Propagation of Whistlers at Low LatitudesSingh, Birbal; Tantry, B. A. P.IJRSP Vol.01(4) [December 1972]273-276
Effect of Ionospheric Density Gradients on vlf Propagation at Low LatitudesJain, S K; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.07(3) [June 1978]145-148
Effect of Lower Ionosphere on the Propagation of VLP Waves at Low LatitudesSingh, D P; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.09(3) [June 1980]101-104
Effect of Magnetic Storms on the Low Latitude E- layerJain, S K; Singh, D P; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.08(1) [February 1979]20-23
ELF Emissions at Low Ionospheric Heights in the Inner Radiation BeltJain, V K; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.17(4) [August 1988]124-128
An Explanation for the Banded Structure of Low-Latitude Whistlers Observed on the GroundSingh, Hari; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.09(1) [February 1980]24-26
An Explanation for Unusual Lower & Upper Cut-off Frequencies of Low Latitude WhistlersSingh, D P; Singh, Hari; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.08(4) [August 1979]191-193
Forty years of whistler research in IndiaSingh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.36(6) [December 2007]466-473
Generation and propagation mechanism of low latitude VLF emissionsSingh, Rajvir; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.30(1) [February 2001]18-23
Generation Mechanism of Low Latitude ELF EmissionsPrakash, Ram; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.12(5) [October 1983]156-159
GPS based total electron content (TEC) anomalies and their association with large magnitude earthquakes occurred around Indian regionSingh, O P; Chauhan, Vishal; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.42(3) [June 2013]131-135
Ground Riser Whistlers at Low LatitudesSingh, Birbal; Misra, S. N.; Tantry, B. A. P.IJRSP Vol.01(2) [June 1972]188-191
Initial results of whistler observations at Agra using modified experimental set upSingh, Birbal; Singh, Raghuraj; Singh, RajvirIJRSP Vol.26(4) [August 1997]218-223
Intensity of Low Latitude ELF EmissionsPrakash, Ram; Singh, Birbal; Jain, V KIJRSP Vol.17(4) [August 1988]140-143
Interpretation of higher harmonic tweeks recorded at AgraSingh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.24(4) [August 1995]205-208