Browsing by Author Singh, B R

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Antigenic competition among different ‘O’ antigens of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovars during hyperimmunization in pony maresSingh, B R; Chandra, Mudit; Agrawal, Ravi Kant; Nagrajan, BabuIJEB Vol.44(12) [December 2006]1022-1025
Comparative analysis of protein profiles of wild virulent (E156) and aroA-htrA double deletion mutant vaccine strain (S30) of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Abortusequi under in vivo and in vitro growth conditionsChandra, Mudit; Singh, B R; Srivastava, S K; Chaudhry, P; Agrawal, Ravi Kant; Sharma, AnupmaIJEB Vol.46(09) [September 2008]621-626
Detection, prevalence, purification and characterization of lecithinase of Klebsiella pnemoniaeSingh, B R; Sharma, V D; Chandra, RIJEB Vol.37(09) [September 1999]925-932
Evaluation of aroA deletion mutant of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Abortusequi for its vaccine candidate potentialAlam, Javed; Singh, B R; Hansda, D; Singh, V P; Verma, J CIJEB Vol.47(11) [November 2009]871-879
Evaluation of guinea pig model for experimental Salmonella serovar Abortusequi infection in reference to infertilitySingh, B R; Alam, Javed; Hansda, D; Verma, J C; Singh, V P; Yadav, M PIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]296-303
Haemolysins of Salmonella, their role in pathogenesis and subtyping of Salmonella serovarsSingh, B R; Singh, V P; Agarwal, Meenu; Sharma, Gautam; Chandra, MuditIJEB Vol.42(03) [March 2004]303-313
Isolation and characterization of Salmonella Gallinarum cytotoxic factorsSingh, B R; Sharma, V DIJEB Vol.38(11) [November 2000]1152-1158
Novel haemolysins of Salmonella enterica spp. enterica serovar GallinarumAgrawal, Ravi Kant; Singh, B R; Babu, N; Chandra, MuditIJEB Vol.43(07) [July 2005]626-630
Pathogenic effects of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium on sprouting and growth of maizeSingh, B R; Agarwal, Ravikant; Chandra, MuditIJEB Vol.42(11) [November 2004]1100-1106
Silica-on-silicon based 1N optical splitter: Design, fabrication and characterizationBaby, Aji; Dhanavantri, C; Pachauri, J P; Johri, S; Kumar, Pawan; Singh, B RIJEMS Vol.12(1) [February 2005]12-16
Purification and characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae cytotoxinsSingh, B R; Sharma, V D; Chandra, RIJEB Vol.37(07) [July 1999]681-690