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Adsorption from some binary solutions on silica gelSharma, S K; Sharma, V K; Singh, BharatIJC-A Vol.33A(03) [March 1994]259-262
Analysis of volume dependence of Grüneisen ratio of ForsteritePanwar, M; Sharma, S K; Panwar, SIJPAP Vol.55(03) [March 2017]203-206
Analysis of volume dependence of thermal expansivity for NaClKumar, Sanjay; Sharma, S K; Pandey, O PIJPAP Vol.55(04) [April 2017]293-296
Anharmonicity in isochoric heat capacity for Mg2SiO4Sharma, S KIJPAP Vol.54(12) [December 2016]787-792
Anharmonicity in thermal pressure for aluminiumSharma, S K; Sharma, B S; Kumar, RIJPAP Vol.51(07) [July 2013]494-498
Briquetting of Lignite for Domestic FuelMishra, S L; Sharma, S K; Agarwal, (Mrs) RajniJSIR Vol.59(05) [May 2000]413-416
Contribution of superannuated scientists to National S&T: A case study of CSIR emeritus scientist schemeBhati, V S; Sharma, S K; Gupta, Archana; Luthra, RajeshJSIR Vol.66(4) [April 2007]330-334
Dependence of electrical conductivity on selenium and sulphur doping in a-Si:HSharma, S K; Baveja, J; Mehra, R MIJPAP Vol.41(06) [June 2003]491-494
Discussion on Bridge Weight Testing Inspection and Experimental DetailsSharma, S K; Kumar, Narendra; Rao, M V BBVAAP Vol.12(2) [December 2004]203-212
Documenting the agriculture based indigenous traditional knowledge in Manipur State of North Eastern IndiaAnsari, M A; Sharma, S K; Roy, S S; Ramakrishna, Y; Datt, Shiv; Ningombam, Arati; Singh, N Ajitkumar; Luiram, Solei; Prakash, NIJTK Vol.20(4) [October 2021]1065-1074
Effect of cation exchange resin treatment and addition of anti-caking agent on nonenzymaticbrowning of lemon juice powder during storageSharma, S K; Kaushal, B B Lal; Sharma, P CJSIR Vol.68(07) [July 2009]611-616
Effect of fibre length and fineness on tenacity of rotor-spun yarnPal, S K; Sharma, S KIJFTR Vol.14(1) [March 1989]23-26
Effect of Gamma Irradiation Induced Modifications in Tungsten Oxide Thin Films and Their Potential ApplicationsDeepika; Gupta, Deepika; Chauhan, Vishnu; Sharma, S K; Kumar, Satyendra; Kumar, RajeshIJEMS Vol.30(3) [June 2023]409-415
Effect of Ni ion irradiation on microstructure and corrosion properties of Zr59Nb3Cu20Al10Ni8 amorphous alloySharma, Poonam; Dhawan, Anil; Naqvi, S Faheem; Sharma, S KIJPAP Vol.56(12) [December 2018]965-969
Effect of temperature and removal of amino acids on non-enzymatic browning of lemon juice concentrates during storageSharma, S K; Kaushal, B B Lal; Sharma, P CJSIR Vol.63(05) [May 2004]444-451
An empirical correlation in predicting the viscosity of refined vegetable oilsGupta, Anupama; Sharma, S K; Toor, Amrit PalIJCT Vol.14(6) [November 2007]642-645
Enhanced expression of heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein subunits in Zajdela ascitic hepatomaSharma, S K; Das, M RIJBB Vol.39(3) [June 2002]148-154
Estimation of volume dependence of Grüneisen parameter for NaCl and -Fe Kumar, Sanjay; Sharma, S K; Pandey, O PIJPAP Vol.52(08) [August 2014]541-544
Fly Ash Characteristics and its Incorporation Effects on Germination of Maize and RiceSharma, S K; Kalra, Naveen; Singh, G RJSIR Vol.60(12) [December 2001]951-952
Flyash Incorporation Effect on Soil Health and Yield of Maize and RiceSharma, S K; Kalra, Naveen; Singh, G RJSIR Vol.60(07) [July 2001]580-585