Browsing by Author Sharma, P

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Algal Database—Bioprospecting indigenous algae for industrial applicationSharma, P; Patil, P; Rao, N; Swamy, K V; Khetmalas, M B; Tandon, G DIJBT Vol.12(4) [October 2013]548-549
Bis(o-vanillin)benzidine(o-v₂bzH₂) as a binucleating ligand: Synthesis, characterization and 3D molecular modeling and analysis of some binuclear complexes of o-v₂bzH₂ with copper(II), nickel(II), cobalt(II), manganese(II), zinc(II), samarium(III) and dioxouranium(VI)Maurya, R C; Chourasia, J; Sharma, PIJCA Vol.47A(4) [April 2008]517-528
A convenient one-pot synthesis of 2-substituted-4,6-diaryl pyrimidinesSharma, P; Hussain, K F; Sukhwal, S; Kothari, S; Singhal, M; Verma, B LIJC-B Vol.38B(08) [August 1999]966-968
Differential pulse polarographic trace level determination of iodateSharma, P; Songara, SIJCT Vol.14(4) [July 2007]427-429
Differential pulse polarographic trace level determination of seleniumSharma, P; Vyas, S; Sanganeria, SIJC-A Vol.37A(04) [April 1998]371-373
Ethno-medico-botany of the Dimasa Kachari of North Cachar Hills district of AssamTamuli, P; Sharma, PIJTK Vol.9(4) [October 2010]718-720
Growth rates and composition of Indian ocean ferromanganese nodulesSharma, P; Yajulu, B L K SomaIJMS Vol.12(3) [September 1983]174-176
High pressure phase transformation and elastic behaviour of ZnX semiconducting compoundVarshney, Dinesh; Kinge, R; Sharma, P; Kaurav, N; Singh, R KIJPAP Vol.43(12) [December 2005]939-951
Impact of Alumina Nanoadditives on Operation and Emission Attributes of Diesel EngineSharma, P; Chauhan, N R; Saraswat, MJSIR Vol.80(02) [February 2021]166-171
An improved method of DNA isolation from polysaccharide rich leaves of Boswellia serrata Roxb.Sharma, P; Purohit, S DIJBT Vol.11(1) [January 2012]67-71
Establishment of asymptomatic Leishmania donovani infection in Indian langurs(Presbytis entellus) through intradermal route*Misra, Alka; Dube, A; Srivastava, J K; Sharma, P; Katiyar, J C; Naik, SIJEB Vol.40(05) [May 2002]605-608
Synthesis, antituberculosis and antimicrobial study of some new aminoacridine linked pyrazolesKawle, P R; Deohate, P P; Berad, B N; Srivastava, K K; Sharma, PIJC-B Vol.52B(12) December 2013]1531-1535
Synthesis, characterization and 3D molecular modeling of some ternary complexes of Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Zn(II), Sm(III), Th(IV) and UO₂(VI) with Schiff base derived from the sulfa drug sulfabenzamide and 1,10-phenanthrolineMaurya, R C; Chourasia, J; Sharma, PIJCA Vol.46A(10) [October 2007]1594-1604
Synthesis, magnetic and spectral studies of Co(II) picrate complexes with heterocyclic nitrogen donorsMaurya, R C; Sharma, PIJC-A Vol.38A(05) [May 1999]509-513
Trace level determination of bromide in presence of large concentration of chloride by differential pulse polarographySharma, P; Sharma, RakeshIJC-A Vol.41A(12) [December 2002]2548-2550
Voltammetric determination of trace level nickel in presence of cadmium, lead and zincSharma, P; Kumbhat, S; Rawat, CIJC-A Vol.29A(02) [February 1990]195-196
Voltammetric trace determination of sub- μg level chlorate in natural watersSharma, P; Songara, SIJCT Vol.15(5) [September 2008]504-506
Voltammetric ultra trace level determination of galliumSharma, P; Dubey, SIJCT Vol.17(5) [September 2010]396-399