Browsing by Author Sharma, N

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Adsorptive removal of malachite green using ferromagnetic sterculia gum – graftpoly( n-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylamide)/magnetite nanocompositeTank, S K; Sharma, NIJCT Vol.30(5) [September 2023]643-655
Air pollution dispersion studies through environmental wind tunnel (EWT) investigations: A reviewSharma, N; Chaudhry, K K; Rao, C V ChalapatiJSIR Vol.64(08) [August 2005]549-559
Characterization of a partially purified bacteriocin of Bacillus sp MTCC 43 isolated from Rhizosphere of radish (Raphanus sativus) & its application as a potential food biopreservativeSharma, N; Kapoor, G; Gautam, N; Neopaney, BJSIR Vol.68(10) [October 2009]881-886
High field conduction in thin films of Se100-xPbx glassy alloys*Sharma, N; Kumar, SIJPAP Vol.51(02) [February 2013]125-130
Long-term Implications of Highway Quality and Length in the Growth of Indian Manufacturing Sector: A System Dynamics AnalysisOjha, R; Vrat, P; Sharma, NJSIR Vol.75(08) [August 2016]466-474
Methodology for estimation of CO2 reduction from mass rapid transitsystem (MRTS) projectsSharma, N; Gangopadhyay, S; Dhyani, RJSIR Vol.69(08) [August 2010]586-593
Molecular characterization of Kinnow mandarin clones and mutants using cross genera SSR markersMallick, M; Bharadwaj, C; Srivastav, M; Sharma, N; Awasthi, O PIJBT Vol.16(2) [April 2017]244-249
Novel method for the synthesis of zirconium(IV) chelate complexes from oxo-zirconium(IV) aryloxidesChaudhry, S C; Verma, C; Bhatt, S S; Sharma, NIJCA Vol.47A(1) [January 2008]43-48
Phytochemical investigation of the flowers of Punica granatumAli, M; Sharma, NIJC-B Vol.45B(07) [July 2006]1681-1685
Reduction in Refining Energy and Improvement in Pulp Freeness through Enzymatic Treatment – Lab and Plant Scale StudiesTripathi, S; Verma, P; Mishra, O P; Sharma, N; Bhardwaj, N K; Tandon, RJSIR Vol.78(01) [January 2019]50-54
Studies on traditional Indian (turmeric) pickle as probiotic pickle for therapeutic uses in view of COVID-19 pandemicChandel, M; Sharma, N; Sharma, NIJTK Vol.19(Spl) [December 2020]143-152
Vehicular pollution modeling using artificial neural network technique: A reviewSharma, N; Chaudhry, K K; Rao, C V ChalapatiJSIR Vol.64(09) [September 2005]637-647