Browsing by Author Sharma, Indu

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Identification of QTL conferring Karnal bunt resistance in bread wheatKaur, Manjeet; Singh, Rajender; Kumar, Satish; Mandhan, Rishi Pal; Sharma, InduIJBT Vol.15(1) [January 2016]34-38
Kinetic modeling: Chromium(III) removal from aqueous solution bymicrobial waste biomassSharma, Indu; Goyal, DineshJSIR Vol.68(07) [July 2009]640-646
Kinetics and mechanism of electron transfer reactions in acetate buffers: Ruthenium (III) chloride catalysed oxidation of nitrite by thallium (III) acetateVijay, Namita; Sharma, Indu; Bhasin, Menka; Khandelwal, Ms. C L; Sharma, P DIJC-A Vol.40A(07) [July 2001]708-713
Kinetics and mechanism of ruthenium(III) chloride catalyzed oxidation of phosphorous acid by thallium(III) in acid perchlorate medium-role of tautomeric forms of the phosphorous acidBhasin, Menka; Dubey, Sapna; Sharma, Indu; Sharma, P DIJC-A Vol.39A(10) [October 2000]1036-1040
Kinetics and mechanism of silver (I) catalyzed oxidation of 1,3-propanediol by peroxodiphosphate in acetate buffersSingh, G; Bansal, Savita; Gupta, Divya; Sharma, Indu; Khandelwal, C L; Sharma, P DIJC-A Vol.40A(07) [July 2001]714-719
Molecular analysis of dimeric α-amylase inhibitor genes in Indian wheatSharma, Pradeep; Saini, Manoj; Sheoran, Sonia; Sharma, InduIJBT Vol.12(2) [April 2013]153-160
Regulation of growth and antioxidant enzyme activities by 28-homobrassinolide in seedlings of Raphanus sativus L. under cadmium stressSharma, Indu; Pati, Pratap Kumar; Bhardwaj, RenuIJBB Vol.47(3) [June 2010]172-177