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Biotechnological interventions for genetic amelioration of Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa (kiwifruit) plantSharma, D R; Shirkot, PoonamIJBT Vol.3(2) [April 2004]249-257
Dielectric relaxation of acetonitrile in benzene solution from microwave absorption studiesThakur, Nagesh; Sharma, D RIJPAP Vol.41(10) [October 2003]806-809
Dielectric relaxation of binary mixtures of acetonitrile and N,N- dimethyl formamide in benzene solution using microwave absorption studiesThakur, Nagesh; Sharma, D RIJPAP Vol.38(05) [May 2000]328-330
Dielectric relaxation studies of binary mixture of pyridine and N,N-dimethylformamide in benzene solution using microwaves absorption dataKumar, Sandeep; Sharma, D R; Thakur, N; Negi, N S; Rangra, V SIJPAP Vol.44(03) [March 2006]264-268
Dielectric relaxation studies of binary mixtures of acetone and N, N-dimethylacetamide in the benzene solutions using microwave absorption dataRangra, Vir Singh; Sharma, D RIJPAP Vol.41(08) [August 2003]630-633
Dielectric relaxation studies of binary mixtures of acetone and N-methylacetamide in benzene solution using microwave absorption dataRangra, Vir Singh; Sharma, D RIJPAP Vol.42(12) [December 2004]921-925
Dielectric relaxation studies of binary mixtures of ethyl alcohol and N,N-dimethylacetamide in the benzene solution from microwave absorption dataSharma, Vimal; Thakur, Nagesh; Sharma, D R; Rangra, V S; Negi, N SIJPAP Vol.46(3) [March 2008]212-214
Dielectric relaxation studies of binary mixtures of N-methylacetamide and N, N-dimethylacetamide in benzene solutions using microwave absorption dataKumar, Raman; Rangra, V S; Sharma, D R; Thakur, Nagesh; Negi, N SIJPAP Vol.45(9) [September 2007]759-763
Dielectric relaxation studies of binary mixtures of N-methylformamide and benzonitrile in benzene solution using microwave absorption dataKumar, Rajesh; Thakur, Nagesh; Sharma, D R; Rangra, V S; Negi, N SIJEMS Vol.14(2) [April 2007]167-172
Distinguishing clonal apple rootstocks by isozymes banding patternsKaushal, Kanika; Modgil, Manju; Sharma, D RIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1149-1155
Host plant nodule parameters associated with nitrogen fixation efficiency in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) cultivarsNath, Amarjit K; Ahmed, Tarannum; Rana, Neerja S; Sharma, D RIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]334-340
In vitro regeneration of Acacia catechu Willd. from callus and mature nodal explants-An improved methodThakur, Manisha; Sharma, D R; Kanwar, Kamlesh; Kant, AnilIJEB Vol.40(07) [July 2002]850-853
In vitro clonal multiplication of an apple rootstock by culture of shoot apices and axillary budsKaushal, N; Modgil, M; Thakur, M; Sharma, D RIJEB Vol.43(06) [June 2005]561-565
Molecular associations in binary mixture of pyridine and N, N-dimethylacetamide in benzene solution using microwave absorption dataKumar, Sandeep; Sharma, D R; Thakur, N; Negi, N S; Rangra, V SIJPAP Vol.44(12) [December 2006]939-942
Production of solasodine by Solanum laciniatum using plant tissue culture techniqueBhatnagar, Pooja; Bhatnagar, Madhurima; Nath, Amarjit K; Sharma, D RIJEB Vol.42(10) [October 2004]1020-1023
Radiation Beams from Three Annular Plasma Layers Waveguide ExcitationSharma, D R; Choudhary, R S; Verma, J SIJRSP Vol.08(3) [June 1979]109-113
Radiation from Circular Symmetric Sources in Warm Plasma ColumnChoudhary, R S; Sharma, D RIJRSP Vol.11(6) [December 1982]122-124
Radiation from Magnetic Ring Source in Warm Plasma ColumnChoudhary, R S; Sharma, D RIJRSP Vol.09(2) [April 1980]59-62
Radiation from Open-ended Coaxial Line in Warm Plasma Column Having Central Conductor along Its AxisChoudhary, R S; Sharma, D RIJRSP Vol.09(2) [April 1980]65-67
RAPD analysis of genetic variability in Pinus gerardiana Wall. in Kinnaur (Himachal Pradesh)Kant, Anil; Pattanayak, D; Chakrabarti, S K; Sharma, Rajan; Thakur, Manisha; Sharma, D RIJBT Vol.5(1) [January 2006]62-67