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Conductometric Study of Ion-Pair Equilibria: Solvation Behaviour of Silver Benzoate in Acetonitrile-Water MixturesManaiah, V; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.26A(09) [September 1987]732-735
Effect of multiple substituents on oxidation of phenyl styryl ketone and its substituted analogues by V(V) in acid medium: A kinetic studyAnnapooma, S R; Rao, M Prasad; Sethuram, BIJC-B Vol.37B(09) [September 1998]868-874
Effect of substituents on kinetics of bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction involving p-substituted phenacyl bromides and 2-substituted benzimidazolesWinston, S John; Rao, P Jayaprakash; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.28A(06) [June 1989]520-522
Formation Constants & Thermodynamic Parameters of lron(II) Chelates with Quinoline-8-carboxylic & Quinoxaline-2- carboxylic Acids & Their Substituted Derivatives in Aqueous Ethanol MediumKumar, V Vijaya; Ram, Kashi; Reddy, M G Ram; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.21A(07) [July 1982]748-750
Interactive free energy relationships for non-additive multiple substituent effects in base catalysed condensation of benzaldehydes with acetophenones: A kinetic studySondu, S; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.29A(01) [January 1990]67-69
Kinetics & Mechanism of Acid Bromate Oxidation of Phenyl Styryl Ketone & Its DerivativesChar, P Narasimha; Sondu, S; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.26A(09) [September 1987]749-751
Kinetics & Mechanism of Oxidation of Substituted Benzyl Alcohols by Sodium Bis[2-ethyl-2-hydroxybutanoato(2-)]oxochromate (V)Sreelatha, G; Rao, M Prasada; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.27A(12) [December 1988]1031-1034
Kinetics & Mechanism of Uncatalyzed & Os(VIII)-catalyzed Oxidation of Acetophenones by Diperiodatoargentate(III)Sarala, G; Rao, P Jaya Prakash; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.26A(06) [June 1987]475-480
Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of allyl, crotyl and prop argyl alcohols by diperiodato cuprate(III) in alkaline mediumPadmaja, S; Rao, K Nageshwar; Sethuram, BIJC-A Vol.32A(08) [August 1993]685-688
Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of some aliphatic esters by bromate in acid mediumChar, P Narasimha; Sondu, S; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.28A(08) [August 1989]670-672
Kinetics of Co-oxidation of Ethylene Glycol & Propan-2-ol by Acid BromateChar, P Narasimha; Sondu, S; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.27A(03) [March 1988]211-213
Kinetics of Cooxidation of 1,2-Glycols & Esters by Periodate in Basic MediumSwarnalakshmi, N; Uma, V; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.23A(08) [August 1984]646-649
Kinetics of Oxidation of Alcohols, Diols & ɑ-Hydroxy Acids by Os(VIII) in Aqueous Alkaline Medium: Evidence in Support of Hydride Ion Abstraction MechanismSomaiah, P Veera; Reddy, K Bal; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.27A(10) [October 1988]876-879
Kinetics of Oxidation of Benzaldehydes by Coppertllf) in t-Butanol-Water MediumReddy, K Bal; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.23A(07) [July 1984]593-595
Kinetics of Oxidation of Cyclic Ketones by Periodate Catalysed by Os(VIII), Ru(III) & Os(VIII) + Ru(III) MixtureSwarnalakshmi, N; Uma, V; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.26A(07) [July 1987]592-595
Kinetics of Reaction of Aromatic Anils with Acid Bromate: Interactive Free Energy RelationshipChar, P Narasimha; Sondu, S; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.27A(01) [January 1988]31-33
Kinetics of Rh(III)-Catalysed Oxidation of Some Alcohols by Diperiodatocuprate(III) in Aqueous Alkaline MediumReddy, K Bal; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.27A(08) [August 1988]730-731
Kinetics of Ru (III)-catalysed Oxidation of Chalcones by Acid Bromate in H2SO4 -HOAc MediumChar, P Narasimha; Sondu, S; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.28A(01) [January 1989]36-39
Kinetics of Uncatalysed & Ru(III) Catalysed Oxidations of Esters by Periodate in Acid MediumUma, V; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.22A(01) [January 1983]65-68
The LFER correlations for SN2 reactions of phenacyl bromideWinston, S John; Rao, P Jayaprakash; Sethuram, B; Rao, T NavaneethIJC-A Vol.35A(11) [November 1996]979-982