Browsing by Author Sengupta, Surajit

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Biodegradable nonwoven bonded fabric from Tossa jute and polylactic acid fibre for carry bagSengupta, Surajit; Ghosh, Papai; Mustafa, IzharIJFTR Vol.48(1) [March 2023]41-51
Design and development of an instrument for testing electrical insulation of technical textilesSengupta, Anindita; Debnath, Sanjoy; Sengupta, SurajitIJFTR Vol.43(4) [December 2018]402-409
Development of handloom for jute based diversified fabrics modifying traditional cotton handloomSengupta, Surajit; Debnath, Sanjoy; Bhattacharyya, GKIJTK Vol.7(1) [January 2008]204-207
Effect of different lignocellulosic fibre based needle punched nonwovens on mechanical properties of bio-reinforced compositeSengupta, SurajitIJFTR Vol.45(4) [December 2020]436-443
Effect of linear density, twist and blend proportion on some physical properties of jute and hollow polyester blended yarnDebnath, Sanjoy; Sengupta, SurajitIJFTR Vol.34(1) [March 2009]11-19
Effect of loading behaviour on compressional property of needle-punched nonwoven fabricSengupta, SurajitIJFTR Vol.43(2) [June 2018]194-202
Effect of nano-polysiloxane based finishing on handle properties of jute blended fabricLakshmanan, Ammayappan; Debnath, Sanjoy; Sengupta, SurajitIJFTR Vol.39(4) [December 2014]425-429
Effect of Processing Parameters of Mesta Sheet for Use as Eco-friendly AgrotextilesSengupta, Surajit; Debnath, SanjoyJSIR Vol.79(03) [March 2020]256-260
Effect of punch density, depth of needle penetration and mass per unit area on compressional behaviour of jute needle-punched nonwoven fabrics using central composite rotatable experimental designSengupta, Surajit; Ray, Prabir; Majumdar, Prabal KumarIJFTR Vol.33(4) [December 2008]411-418
Electrical resistance of jute fabricsSengupta, Surajit; Sengupta, AninditaIJFTR Vol.37(1) [March 2012]55-59
Modeling on sound transmission loss of jute needle-punched nonwoven fabrics using central composite rotatable experimental designSengupta, SurajitIJFTR Vol.35(4) [December 2010]293-297
A new approach for jute industry to produce fancy blended yarn for upholsterySengupta, Surajit; Debnath, SanjoyJSIR Vol.69(12) [December 2010]961-965
Physio-mechanical properties of particle boards from agro-wastesGhosh, Sujit Kumar; Sengupta, Surajit; Naskar, MalayJSIR Vol.69(05) [May 2010]396-400
Quality testing of staple yarn by an instrument with dual sensing and its comparative study with capacitive sensingRoy, Subhasish; Sengupta, Anindita; Sengupta, SurajitIJFTR Vol.43(3) [September 2018]269-276
Sound reduction by needle-punched nonwoven fabricsSengupta, SurajitIJFTR Vol.35(3) [September 2010]237-242
Studies on jute based ternary blended yarnsSengupta, Surajit; Debnath, SanjoyIJFTR Vol.37(3) [September 2012]217-223
Tensile deformation of jute needle-punched nonwoven geotextiles under compressive loadSengupta, Surajit; Majumdar, Prabal Kumar; Ray, PrabirIJFTR Vol.33(2) [June 2008]139-145
Thirty-fifth National Convention of Textile Engineers, 2023Sengupta, Surajit; Shakyawar, D B; Ray, S C; Samanta, K K; Basak, SIJFTR Vol.48(2) [June 2023]234-237
Use of jute needle-punched nonwoven fabric as reinforcement in compositeSengupta, Surajit; Chattopadhyay, Sambhu Nath; Samajpati, Soma; Day, AbhindraIJFTR Vol.31(1) [March 2008]37-44
Water absorbency of jute needle-punched nonwoven fabricSengupta, SurajitIJFTR Vol.34(4) [December 2009]345-351